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Items tagged with: tracking

I’m building, a new blogging service

- No #tracking
- No #ads
- No #paywall
- No #bloat
- No #distraction
- No registration to try

- #privacy first
- #light #dark mode
- Read anywhere (even on #terminal).
- #markdown drag/drop
- Bring your own #text #editor

You can check out my blog mirror at

Happy to send invites.

Please help me get the word out 🙏

#vim #emacs #vscode #minimalism #indiedev #indieweb #indie

Sendung NANO (11. März 2024): Datenschutz - Autos sind neugieriger, als sie sein dürften. 👇

Ab 00:55 bis ca. 08:55. Sehenswert.

#auto #tracking #bmw #tesla #datenschutz #dsgvo #datenbroker

This screenshot shows the app analytics data sent by two different #iOS apps: Duolingo and Tinder. What's the likelihood that both apps are installed on the same device? 💯? 🤯

Both apps use Unity Ads. The data in the screenshot is collected by the Unity Ads framework included in these two apps, and any app that uses Unity Ads. The data is sent to the same Unity server. As a result, Unity Ads can easily fingerprint users and track them across different apps.

#privacy #tracking #Apple #infosec

»Die umfassende Überwachungsmaschinerie, die für digitale Werbung entwickelt wurde, ermöglicht nun direkt die Massenüberwachung durch den Staat« [1] Zitat von @wchr.

Daher: Ein Tracking- und Werbeblocker gehört auf jedem Smartphone/PC/Netzwerk zur Grundausstattung! [2] 👇


#tracking #datenschutz #surveillance #staat #werbung #ads #adaway #adguard #netguard #rethinkdns #pihole #ublockorigin

Guten Morgen. Wer sie noch nicht kennt, sollte unbedingt einen Blick in die Empfehlungsecke werfen. Diese enthält meine aktuellen Empfehlungen zu verschiedenen Themen wie Messenger, Werbeblocker, werbefreies YouTube, Passwort-Manager, Suchmaschinen und Co. 👇

#empfehlung #tracking #security #datenschutz #adblocker #android #youtube #messenger #linux #firefox #dns #unifiedpush #email #frankgehtran #thunderbird #passwortmanager #videokonferenz #vpn #suchmaschine

🤣🤣🤣 @cnnbrk Here’s some breaking news, CNN Breaking News. Not everyone is running Brave. I don’t. Many do run privacy controls. How ironic that our privacy controls are blocking your “privacy protections,” and you insist we should TRUST YOU. Is that like trusting Meta to protect users’ phone numbers by passing their chats through Meta servers…?

So hilarious. Thank you for self-deselecting from my trusted news sources. 🤣🤣🤣

#AdBlocker #malware #cookies #tracking #privacy #FreeIsntFree

Put aside the whole #privacy issue of #tracking for a moment...

The site can either explain what they're doing in an easy-to-understand way, or not. I think the fact that they made a kid-friendly video about it is great. Now that many more kids/parents have an awareness of this (whether or not they agree with it) than otherwise would have. More awareness of privacy-related issues can only be a good thing IMO.

Big Brother is watching you - now also via Google's & Apple's push. 🤬

That's why we don't use Google Push. When using Tuta, Google sees nothing! 💪

✅ Zero tracking
✅ Fully encrypted
✅ Maximum privacy

The data they don't get, they can't hand out to authorities! Go secure now:

Here's more info on why we don't use Google Push and do not send any info via Apple notifications:
#security #privacy #google #apple #notifications #surveillance #tracking

Interessanter Beitrag von So etwas in der Richtung hatte ich bereits geahnt - und ist einer der Gründe, weshalb mein Gerät googlefrei ist. Aber lest selbst. 👇

"Push-Dienste: Behörden fragen Apple und Google nach Nutzern von Messenger-Apps"

#google #apple #surveillance #tracking

Und täglich grüßt das Murmeltier: »Das neue kostenlose Outlook ersetzt Mail in Windows, später auch das klassische Outlook. Es schickt geheime Zugangsdaten an Microsoft.«

Macht die Outlook-Version für Android übrigens ebenso - schon seit Jahren.

#microsoft #spionage #tracking #datenschutz

We on the W3CTAG have been thinking about the web without 3rd-party cookies. And how to get there.

Our finding:

"We consider privacy a core design principle and differentiator for the web platform…"

#web #tracking #privacy

well, I'd only say so if people don't just get #SLAPP'd but forced by judges to remove that shit...

But I'm confident @maxschrems and @noybeu are working on that...

And yes, there is no "legitimate use" for #tracking shit!

»Facebook collects intimate customer data from over 100 European pharmacies«

Wenn man die DSGVO-Bußgelder korrekt und konsequent umgesetzt hätte, dann wäre Facebook heute vermutlich längst pleite. So schlittern wir aber von einem Datenskandal zum nächsten. 🤷‍♂️

#facebook #datenschutz #privacy #teamdatenschutz #fail #gesundheitsdaten #tracker #tracking

Der Werbe- und Trackingblocker #Blokada entwickelt sich immer mehr zu einer kommerziellen Lösung. Von einer weiteren Verwendung ist abzuraten. Nutzt besser die Alternative #AdAway. 👇

Hinweis: Habe Blokada aus der Empfehlungsecke entfernt.

#tracking #datenschutz #dsgvo #ttdsg #sicherheit #security #privacy

Sehenswerter Vortrag: »Tracking in Apps: Ist das legal? Eine Übersicht über die mobile Trackinglandschaft«

#android #ios #tracking #apps #datenschutz #dsgvo #ttdsg

@blender yeah, but I think making your tech more appealing and approachable to "#TechIlliterates" and "#Normies" should have a higher priority than following a trend and fad [aka. #VR]...

Regardless of that I do think that #JS and #Tracking / #Cookies are bad #ghettohacks of a technology and lazy #WebApps should've never seen mass adoption, but there's far worse staff like #MicrosoftOffice and espechally #Windows.

I just can't stand the latter...

An alle #neuhier: Unterstützt bitte unsere Klage gegen die Deutsche Bahn, die wir beim Schwarzfahren erwischt haben. Wir setzen uns für euch und eure Rechte ein, denn Gesetzgebung ist kein Wunschkonzert!

Eine Initiative von:
- @digitalcourage
- @peterhense
- @kuketzblog

#dsgvo #tracking #teamdatenschutz

⚠️ Avoid #-based browsers: Websites can detect what addons are installed by fetching their web-accessible resources. Try yourself:

This is yet another possible way of # users all across the internet. However, there's a simple solution: Just use #.

Since the IDs of Firefox extensions are unique for every user, it is not possible to know or guess the addresses of their web-accessible resources.

Somehow I missed the option to tell ALL # apps to screw off with tracking.

Disable this in Settings > Privacy > Tracking and you’re not even bothered with the dialog anymore, every request is just automatically denied. 👍🏻👍🏻

# # #

Nice! There is a specification being worked on "[...]that conveys a person's request to websites and services to not sell or share their personal information with third parties".

Their landing page can be found here:

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