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#Prav #iOS fund raising page is accepted by #XMPP Foundation on Open Collective Please donate and spread the word so we can pay someone to make on-boarding on iOS easier.
in reply to Pirate Praveen

So this means Monal will get Quicksy-like onboarding? I don't want it for myself but I'm sure I'll get a few more people around me to use Monal with this. How will this work? Monal will let you 'register a quicksy or prav account?'. Or will there be just a fork for Prav?
in reply to Nicoco

#pav for android seams like a fork of quicksy, but with fee for registration provider, so i would prefer original.
For ios i.d.k if it has anything to do with monal, but would be the first otp onboarding #xmpp client for ios afaik
in reply to Nicoco

@nicoco There will be separate apps for iOS, 1. Monal 2. Quicksy 3. Prav. So users can choose to install ther preferred app.
in reply to Pirate Praveen

Related question: is contact discovery between the prav and quicksy apps possible or are they separate directories?
in reply to Nicoco

@nicoco they are separate directories, but users can manually add to the other directory. Prav users can manually add to Quicksy directory and Quicksy users can manually add to Prav directory if they like to be discovered by both app's users.