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#Gaming #ScreenReader I often play MuDs, Multiuserdungeons, and wanted to ask if there is another Client than Mushclient thats accessible with ScreenReaders on Windows? I don't want to play them over the Commandline because I also want to run with Numpad and have all the cool Stuff Mudclients do, but last Time i checked there was nothing and I am not sure if Mushclient is even still maintained.
in reply to Svenja

MUDs literally are a command line. There are tonnes of addons for MUSH still viable. The mudlet client's developer keeps banging on about how wonderfully accessible the client is now on r/mud on reddit if you want to give that one a go, though.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo yeah i know there are, but every Time I have someone who wants to play with me and they don't know how to properly set up Mushclient so it talks to them automatically, that already needs a few Plugins.
in reply to Svenja

part of that is just screen readers, though.
The native read-only textbox on windows is obviously quite shitty for developers to work with in terms of styling it, so you need a way of doing an output buffer for a screen reader right there. Similarly drawing new text has no universal mechanism for talking to screen readers.
I wonder if you might find a very modern html5-based system that's as strong an app in the way the mastodon clients are, but I've not yet seen one.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo thats already where I don't know anything, I never developed native Apps or Webapps so far