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Items tagged with: screenreader

Derek attributes his experience with NVDA instrumental to his career success and since working at Google has found numerous ways to improve accessibility, both internally and externally.

"A product built by the community, for the community, is better than one built by some company, simply because the community is in charge of what goes into it." - Derek Riemer

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #A11y #ScreenReader #FOSS #OpenSource

GitHub has released an insightful article to accompany the documentary shared earlier showcasing NVDA, OSARA, & REAPER. The article interviews NVDA co-founders, Mick Curran & Jamie Teh, as well as Derek Riemer, who has used NVDA since 2011. Derek has contributed to NVDA itself & written over 20 add-ons. He also now works as a software engineer at Google.

Find the full article (& short documentary) here:….
#NVDA #NVDAsr #Accessibility #A11y #ScreenReader #FOSS #OpenSource

Serious question for the fediverse: what screen readers do y'all use? How do they interact with the software you use? Does it expose an explicit limitation on how the programs you use are developed?
#screenreader #softwaredevelopment #visualdisability

so uhh... is booting in safe mode on #windows #accessible with a #screenReader yet? :) #crowdstrike
Fortunately not bit by this but it did make me curious

In-Process is out! Featuring all the news on NVDA 2024.3 Beta 4, the add-on update notification feature in NVDA 2024.3, thanks to Intopia (& all our corporate sponsors) and a look at jumping between paragraphs! Check it out here:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Accessibility #ThankYou #Intopia #Navigation #Beta #Prerelease #FOSS #Software #blog

Congratulations to our newest NVDA Certified Expert, Victor-Daniel Dima!

If you'd like to become an NVDA Certified Expert, you can sit the exam for FREE here:

(There is a cost to receive the certificate, with all money helping keep NVDA free for all!)

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Accessibility #Certification #Qualification #Study #AmStudying #Exam #Leadership #Technology

Looks like I am asking all kinds of questions. OH well, here goes. I'm on the hunt for resources, tops and tricks, and any information which folks might be willing to pass on regarding the use of Visual Studio Code with a #ScreenReader. Asking for a friend... for real. Any help greatly appreciated.

#Blind #BlindMasto #BlindMastodon #BlindFedi @mastoblind @main

NVDA 2024.3 Beta 4 is now avaialble. Everthing from the previous betas PLUS beta 4 also includes:

- Fix reporting addresses in Modern Outlook To/CC/BCC fields

- Improved handling of errors when installing add-ons, fixed bug where failed add-on updates remove the installed add-on

- Minor fixes to improve updating a portable copy

- Updates to translations

Read the full what's new and download from:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #FOSS #Beta #Prerelease

Any #Google docs/sheets fans who can use them productively with a screen reader? Please share any tips. I know it can be done, but personally I think it's very annoying to use especially on Mac. Usually, I grudgingly participate, but a disability related working group I just joined uses Google docs/sheets to collaborate. Is there any other alternative solution for document collaboration that's more accessible? #accessibility #ScreenReader #GoogleDocs

I wonder, why everything that #JetBrains make is so poorly accessible? Even with their #screenReader support it's a huge pain to work with. Actually, I've never seen a really fast and accessible #Windows application written in #Java. #Accessibility

Beta3 of NVDA 2024.3 is now available for download & testing. Changes from Beta2 include Add-on update notifications no longer appear when running the NVDA installer & updates to translations. Read more & download from:…

Highlights of 2024.3 include notification of add-on updates, Unicode normalisation options, Help Tech Activator Pro display support, mouse wheel scrolling commands, bug fixes for emoji panel & browsers

#Beta #NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #PreRelease #FOSS

@Musharraf :verified: @Cullen Gallagher I think back in the days when @Mozilla was calling it #b2g (Boot to Gecko). They have experimented with #picoTTS voices. The built-in screen reader is called readout.
Now I know there are some interesting apps for #KaiOS such as matrix client, xmpp client, telegram client, RSS / podcasts, Youtube playback through invidious, openstreetmap, kodi remote control, ebooks / text files reading app and more. See at…
It would be nice to find out how much #a11y there is with a #screenReader.

NVDA 2024.3 Beta 2 is now available for testing!

Changes introduced in Beta 2:
- Fix for reading messages in Windows Mail
- Added International Phonetic Alphabet braille table
- Bug fix for audio output on a mono audio device
- Bug fixes for Unicode normalization
- Updates to translations

Read the full change log and download the Beta from:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #Beta #PreRelease #FOSS #ScreenReader #NewVersion #New #News #Update #Unicode #IPA #Translation

For any enthusiasts of legacy assistive tech, it seems the first source code of the Talks Screen Reader for Nokia 9110 Communicator has been published by one of the original devs. Unbelievable to think that it all started off as a bunch of prerecorded messages supplemented by the ability to spell anything it doesn't have ready letter by letter and plugging in external synthesizers and Braille displays via the serial port:…
#Accessibility #Blind #RetroTech #ScreenReader

#Gaming #ScreenReader I often play MuDs, Multiuserdungeons, and wanted to ask if there is another Client than Mushclient thats accessible with ScreenReaders on Windows? I don't want to play them over the Commandline because I also want to run with Numpad and have all the cool Stuff Mudclients do, but last Time i checked there was nothing and I am not sure if Mushclient is even still maintained.

Ouch. The voting page for the #Python Software Foundation (#PSF) Board of Directors 2024 Election is completely inaccessible with a keyboard.

It's hosted by OpaVote, which is presumably a third party. None of the director candidate checkboxes or bylaw change radio buttons can be navigated to, nor can their state be determined with a #screenReader to make sure I'm voting for the intended things. #accessibility

Ok, in an hour, i'll be starting this up. High temps, high effort and high complexity, what oculd go wrong? Let's dig into the #screenReader #accessibility of #jupyter notebooks, a tool prevalent in #dataScience, #python #programming in general, #machineLearning and therefore also practically all things #ai etc.
See you then over at and #goingLive #twitch #youtube #selfPromo

In-Process is out, featuring all the news on NVDA 2024.2 AND the newly released NVDA 2024.3 Beta 1 plus info on our new Code Signing Certificate, a thank you to our donors, and we remember community contributor, Austin Pinto.

Catch up on everything here:…

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #News #Blog #Newsletter #InfoSec #PreRelease #Beta #FOSS

NVDA 2024.3 Beta 1 is available for testing. It includes notification of add-on updates, unicode normalisation options, unassigned commands for mouse wheel scrolling, new Braille displays and tables, fixes for Windows 11, browsers & more. For those interested in testing the new version before it is released, we welcome you to download the beta & provide feedback. Read more & download from:…

#Beta #Prerelease #NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Testing #Foss #NewVersion

Wenn ich einen Tröt in Markdown formatiere und darin zwei entgenderte Worte vorkommen, denkt Glitch-soc/Mastodon, dass ich den dazwischen liegenden Text kursiv formatieren will.
Nun kann ich ja die Sternchen mit / escapen. Aber wie liest das dann ein #Screenreader?

Test/*text oder ein langes Wort wie Ettiket/*tiermaschine.


#HashTags kann man gerne in #UpperCamelCase oder #CamelCase schreiben!


HashTags sollte man mit Großbuchstaben beginnen, wenn es sich um ein Substantiv handelt. Zusammengesetzte Wörter mit Großbuchstaben beginnen bzw. verbinden.


#Blinde Menschen nutzen #Screenreader. Sie können solche Tags oft natürlicher betonen und lesen verständlicher vor.

Menschen mit und ohne visuelle Einschränkungen können solche Tags schneller und sicherer erfassen, weil die Wörter optisch besser hervorgehoben werden.

Man nennt das CamelCase weil es an die Höcker eines Kamels erinnert 🐫


Question to screen reader users:

If I were to post IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet, not India Pale Ale), how does it handle it? Does it pronounce it, or does it produce something like "right-angle opening bracket, IPA symbol labio-dental fricative vee, IPA symbol velar plosive gee, right-angle closing bracket"?

#Accessibility #Screenreader

I can already announce that next IC_Null stream, this tuesday at 3 PM EST, is about the #accessibility of notebooks like #Jupyter, #googleColab, the #VSCode implementation of this concept. If you do #dataScience, #machineLearning, even the polarizing #AI stuff, you are going to run into this at some point. Can a #screenReader user use these properly? Where's the #accessibility hurdles? Do any of these work better than the others? These are all things I'll try to go into.
See you Tuesday, 3 PM ESt over at https;// or #selfPromo

The state of Unix/Linux accessibility is even worse then I feared 🙈 . Fedora has been shipping with a broken screen reader for NINE YEARS?

Orca doesn't work on any distribution that ships with Wayland by default? 😭 (thanks @aral for bringing it my attention)

Do all the distributions and such know that next year they should be accessible?

I can't code and I am not familiar with testing desktop apps, but I would really like to know how I can help to fix this.

(allthough it shows a bigger problem in open source and it's culture)

Read more:…

Luckily the Newton Project should fix this…, but still: it shows accessiiblity is often an afterthought.

#accessibility #opensource #orca #gnome #wayland #screenreader

I know that there are lots of Linux users here on Mastodon.
But if you use Windows on a laptop, please give an advice on how to do maximum battery saving on Windows 11.

I'm blind and so I can turn off the display, of course I turn off BT and Wi-fi because i'll be in a moving car.
I don't need to play games, I need only my VSCode, console and terminal; maybe a text editor.

Of course I know about power saving policies in Windows and I will turn them on.
I can switch to low-energy cooling with hardware button.
But I need more.
Can I somehow maybe disable CPU boost or do other things?
Maybe there is some software for that?
If you're #blind too, would be good if the software is also accessible with #screenreader.

Thanks in advance for any valuable advice.

#windows #windows11 #power_saving #askfedi

NV Access are very pleased to announce the release of NVDA 2024.2! Please download from:

Highlights include Sound Split, numerous new keystrokes, new Braille mode & other features, updates to eSpeak, LibLouis & other dependencies & programs.

#NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #A11y #Accessibility #New #Release #FOSS #Update #NewVersion

In-Process is out! This week featuring the NVDA 2024.2 Release Candidate, user Arthur’s Experience in Brazil, the new Synth Settings Ring commands, and a long piece on assigning new Input gestures / keystrokes. Check it out at:…

#Blog #NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #News #Newsletter #Accessibility

Background: It’s not just Fedora. Every Linux distribution that ships with Wayland by default – and that’s almost every major Linux distribution – ships with a broken/unusable screen reader at the moment.

(Read that again until it really sinks in. Yep. I know. Uh-huh. Really.)

#Linux #a11y #wayland #accessibility #screenReader

I am a #blind developer who wants to learn more about #network technologies and #networking in general.
I know two tools for network simulation and learning: #ciscopackettracer and #GNS3.
But as I said earlier, I am totally blind and use #screenreader to access my computer.
So I have two questions: are there some screenreader users who have used one of mentioned tools and what was your experience?
And the second one: if there are people from #cisco or #gns development team, what is your official position regarding #accessibility for blind professionals?

p.s. If someone can recommend other known to be accessible for blind solutions for network simulations and learning I would be happy to read your responses.

#a11y #linux #askfedi

Awesome presentation about enhancing Linux accessibility by Lukáš Tyrychtr (@tyrylu) and Vojtěch Polášek! I found the screencast in the presentation to be especially insightful.……

#a11y #Accessibility #ScreenReader #Linux #DevConf_CZ #GNOME

We are very pleased to share that the NVDA 2024.2 Release Candidate is now available:… This includes lots of new features since 2024.1, including Sound Split, new Synth Settings & other quick nav commands, a new "Display Speech Output" Braille mode and many more updates and fixes. Do test it out and let us know how you find it! Otherwise, the final version will be out in the next few weeks.

#NVDA #NVDAsr #NewVersion #FOSS #Update #Release #PreRelease #ScreenReader

Asking on behalf of a friend who is losing their vision: what screen reading software do you use?

Do me (and them) a favor and boost?

#ScreenReader #accessibility

Have you tried out the 2024.2 Betas? Remember you can test them out without installing them by choosing "Continue" instead of "Install". Last week in In-Process we highlighted several features worth checking out: Sound Split, and Display Speech Output (in Braille):… What do you think of them? #NVDA #NVDAsr #ScreenReader #Beta #FOSS #Testing #NewFeature

If you're a #screenReader user and struggling to find the start of responses in the #ChatGPT interface, you can instruct it to add a heading at the start of each one:

1. In the web interface, press the "User" button.
2. In the menu, choose "Customize ChatGPT".
3. In the dialog that comes up, the second multiline text field is labelled: "How would you like ChatGPT to respond?". In this field, you can add something like: "Whenever you respond, prepend a level 1 heading in the Markdown so I can easily find the start of the response with my screen reader.".
4. Near the end of the dialog, ensure that the toggle switch is in the on position, which will confusingly mean it has a label of: "Disable chat preferences". But this does mean it's enabled.
5. Press "Save".

In my experience, this works for something like 96 to 98 percent of responses, and is probably possible with other models too.


A few responses I'm not interested in:
1. I hate AI.
2. I hate OpenAI.
3. I hate ChatGPT.
4. OpenAI should be better at accessibility (true but unhelpful).
5. "This is a level 1 heading, should it be level N?"

Wir sind nicht auf Linux, aber #NVDA ist ein #FOSS #ScreenReader, den jeder unter Windows verwenden kann. Wir sind definitiv dafür, Screenreader-Tests an diesem #Sehbehindertentag zu fördern.

We're not on Linux, but #NVDA is a #FOSS #ScreenReader anyone is welcome to use on Windows. We definitely agree with encouraging screen reader testing this #VisuallyImpairedDay

Heute ist #Sehbehindertentag

Anlässlich dessen starte ich einen Aufruf an die internationale #Linux und #FOSS Entwicklungsgemeinde

Sehr gerne #boost :BoostOK:

Egal, ob ihr an der Entwicklung einer Linux- oder #BSD-Distribution beteiligt seid oder ob ihr #OpenSource-Programme programmiert:
Bitte geht auf blinde, sehbehinderte, motorisch eingeschränkte #Menschen zu und bindet sie mit in die Entwicklung ein.
Holt euch Feedback ein, ob eure #Software vollumfänglich zB mit einem #Screenreader nutzbar ist, oder welche Herausforderungen dabei bestehen.

Am Beispiel dieses Threads von @WestphalDenn , der hier beschreibt, welche Beeinträchtigungen er für seinen Anwendungsfall Audio-Bearbeitung erlebt (und warum er zurück zu Windows wechselt, was ja nicht im Sinne von FOSS-Enthusiast*innen sein kann, oder?)…

#Barrierefreiheit #blind #Behinderung #Inklusion

Kürzlich den #NUC, der am TV als Medienabspieler dient, von #Linux auf #Windows umgezogen.

* Deutlich besserer Sound (natürlichere Sprachwiedergabe und der sprichwörtliche vorhang ist weg)
* Medienserver und Player auf dem selben Gerät führt nicht mehr zu 80 % Auslastung des Systems
* Barrierefreiheit ist um ein Vielfaches besser. Selbst bei diesem Anwendungsgebiet

* Fragwürdiger Datenschutz
* Kein Open-Source-betriebssystem


#ScreenReader #TTS ich hätte unter windows 11 gern meine Julia von Acapella wieder in NVDA, hab hier noch Infovox 3 und bekomme es nicht mehr zum laufen. Gibt es eine andere Möglichkeit, die TTS für NVDA oder Sapi zu bekommen? Möglichst so, dass ich gefahrlos auf NVDA 2024.1 updaten könnte.

Verglichen mit Jemanden, der mit einem Blick alles erfasst und sich orientieren kann, braucht es länger mit #Screenreader. Ich möchte mich auf die Aufgaben sowohl im professionellen Umfeld als auch privat konzentrieren können. Und das letzte halbe Jahr habe ich, das bemerke ich jetzt sehr deutlich, viel Zeit und Energie damit verbracht, gegen mehr Barrieren anzukämpfen, statt mich inhaltlich voll konzentrieren zu können.

We prefer NVDA, and I'm sure we aren't biased at all :) But, it is free and open source, has a great community, a quick start guide to get you going (and training material if want something more in-depth), made by a charity, and regularly updated :)

#NVDA #Accessibility #ScreenReader

We often think of Philanthropy purely as donations by the rich, but it is something we can all do. Philanthropy is broader: "the desire to promote the welfare of others". How can you promote the welfare of others this week? Do you know anyone who might benefit from knowing about NVDA?

#pw24 #PhilanthropyWeek #philanthropyawards #Philanthropy #Queensland #Giving #Innovation #NVDA #ScreenReader #Accessibility