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Is there a deep reason why #PipeWire doesn't prefer my plugged-in HDMI sink over my non-plugged-in on-board codec? I was going to rant, but I'm thinking that perhaps I've missed something about the PipeWire philosophy. and I'm open to learning something new about Linux audio.

I'm only annoyed by this because the machine in question is #NixOS with Impermanence; I haven't yet told it how to persist sound settings between boots, so it can't. I recognize that PipeWire's answer of "just open up whatever you *used to use* and reassign the inputs *once*" is a great answer.

in reply to Corbin

Well PipeWire by design doesn't prefer anything, all policy is instead put into Wireplumber which is the session manager used. So polices are being updated there and polished continually so if you have behaviour you feel is weird we suggest filing an issue in the Wireplumber gitlab instance and describing the behavior you see which might then be used to refine the polices in Wireplumber further.