Items tagged with: PipeWire


Items tagged with: PipeWire

#Linux users who have some experience with #audio and #Pipewire, a friend wants to take audio from a mic/sound card input, run it through some plugins IE through LADSPA, then route it to an application like TeamTalk. How to achieve this? Asking for @tomecki

A little #PIpeWire tip I learned today. If you want to use OBS Studio with a Google Meet session in Firefox. Start OBS Studio first, if not Firefox will set a format for the camera that OBS Studio do not support and you get a black box in OBS Studio. The other way is fine.

Wim is working on a proper solution, adding video conversion to PipeWire, but for now the ordering do matter.

I could use APO + Windows to fine tune my headphones, or I could just grab EasyEffects straight from the repo and enjoy stuff. Just another unexpected bonus... #linux #pipewire #audio

If you use #pipewire for cameras you can now (in the upcoming 1.2) enforce specific rotations via node rules. This is useful on devices with rotated cameras that don't use a DT and #libcamera or for testing (e.g. to find out the correct rotation of a phone camera). The rotation is respected by an increasing number of apps, notably #gstreamer based ones (like Snapshot - but not Cheese) and #firefox (if you enable PW cameras via ``).


💻 Last week I had a great time at the #GStreamer #hackfest ! I decided to take the opportunity there to hack on the #PipeWire GStreamer elements and here's my story:…

#GstHackfest @gstreamer @pipewire

Just want to quickly share with #linuxmobile folks that the new #libcamera softwareISP does indeed work with the #librem5 - and with a #PipeWire + #GStreamer pipeline. Here's a first image running Warp (from Flathub).

There's still some stuff to iron out to make this work reliably and ship to users - but things are falling into place.

📆 Next Thursday at #EmbeddedOSSummit in Seattle, don't miss my colleague's Julian Bouzas presentation on #WirePlumber smart filters! There is also going to be a live stream, in case you are not attending in person.

Learn more at:

#osssummit #embedded #pipewire

Keep testing the OBS and Firefox PipeWire camera support. Screenshot below is Firefox and OBS sharing a camera through PipeWire and also OBS embedding the Firefox window plus also having my USB HDMI capture screen included. #pipewire #linux #obsstudio #fedora #flatpak

With todays release of @OBSProject 30.1.0, which of course is available as a Flatpak, I was finally able to have Helvum display this for video streams through @pipewirep. I have to admit I did have some issues, but hopefully we can iron those out quickly in PipeWire and @libcamera. #linux #pipewire #fedora

Really happy to see first beta release of @OBSProject featuring PipeWire camera support. Along with the recent Firefox support for PipeWire camera this is a big step forward.…
#linux #pipewire #fedora #obsstudio #libcamera

My personal vision with all of this is to see #wayland desktop technologies not only catching up with what other OSs offer, but becoming leading players - just like what other FLOSS projects already archived (or are in the process of becoming) in their areas. I'm thinking of #mesa, #pipewire, #gstreamer, #systemd, the kernel of course, and many others.

@dino 0.4.3 just got released with some exciting improvements for #LinuxMobile

1. Several fixes for touch input, making audio/video calls actually usable on phones
2. Fixes for video support so devices with #libcamera / #pipewire support like the #PinePhonePro work now
3. The app is now recognized as mobile friendly on #Phosh
4. Stricter #Flatpak sandbox - no device/all any more

The new version is available on #Flathub and lots of distro repos.

#GNOME #xmpp #Jabber

Big thanks to Sakamoto for stepping up to maintain the #Firewire subsystem for the #Linux kernel.
I still use an #RME #Fireface800 and it works super well with the #ALSA driver he wrote using #pipewire.

I hope even post 2029 someone will be up for maintaining it as the devices are solid and using them on Linux is a great countermeasure against their planned obsolescence.…