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Hello !Friendica Support

The menu that pops up when you click on the avatar only appears for contacts that are not on Friendica. This menu does not appear for my Friendica contacts.

Here at this Hubzilla contact appears the menu

The menu does not appear for this Friendica contact.

Friendica 'Giant Rhubarb' 2022.12-dev - 1488
PHP 8.1
Theme #frio

#friendica #bug

in reply to Montag

From my experience it works on the first try. But not on subsequent tries. Means after opening and closing the menu it doesn't work anymore until you reload the page.
in reply to Steffen K9 🐰

It doesn't work at all for Friendica contacts for me. Maybe it's also the browser, I'll test it right away.
in reply to Montag

No, it doesn't work with another browser either ...
in reply to Steffen K9 🐰

Strange. Here it works every time for every contact as often as I like. I'm on stable with PHP 8.1, but was running 8.0 and 7.4 before (with Friendica 2022-10).
in reply to jakob 🇦🇹 ✅

Ach, damit erklärt sich auch Dein erstes Problem in dem Nextcloud-md. Hier hover ich nur kurz über Deinen Namen oder klicke auf Dein Profilbild und kann dann durch klick auf die Symbole in dem Popup direkt Dein Profil auf meiner Instanz aufrufen oder Dir eine DM schicken.
in reply to jakob 🇦🇹 ✅

Du meinst, einen neuen öffentlichen Beitrag, mit Mention?. Dreifachklick auf das Handle unter dem Namen -> Neuen Beitrag -> @-Mittelklick. 😜
in reply to Martin 🪷 Schmitz

Ich meine so ähnlich wie Pleroma das z.b. handhabt, wenn ich auf ein Avatarbild klicke:
in reply to Montag

It is strange that the menu is not displayed only for Friendica contacts.
in reply to Montag

Interesting, when clicking on the avatar of a Friendica contact, a link in this form is displayed:

Clicking on the avatar of a non-Friendica contact will display a link in this form: https://example.instanz/users/someone
in reply to jakob 🇦🇹 ✅

That's it, if "Stay Local" is not selected the menu does not appear, if it is selected everything works as it should.

However, since I didn't change anything in the setting and it was working a few days ago, I think the whole thing is still a #bug.

But for now the workaround works
in reply to Montag

Here it is just my-domain.tld/redir/#nrwithout contact. For non-friendica users urls look the same as yours.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)