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Technical accessibility question with a log contents.

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in reply to modulux

Technical accessibility question with a log contents.

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in reply to NV Access

Technical accessibility question with a log contents.

I tried restarting, it does not help.

What I mean by it doesn't work is it just says application, it doesn't give any other feedback: doesn't read the page, doesn't read the menus, the only menu that works is the one with alt-space. f6 doesn't produce any messages, etc. It's as though it were an empty window.

I'll try without add-ons when I get back to work.

in reply to modulux

Technical accessibility question with a log contents.

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in reply to NV Access

Technical accessibility question with a log contents.
Yep, that's the problem, I don't have admin rights on that box, but if nothing else works I'll make a support request and get them to approve the UAC thing. Hope this gets sorted somehow.
in reply to modulux

Technical accessibility question with a log contents.

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in reply to NV Access

Technical accessibility question with a log contents.

Unfortunately I've tried COM registration, restart, and using no add-ons. It does not solve the problem. The info of the completely unresponsive Firefox window with NVDA-f1 is:

Developer info for navigator object:
name: None
processID: 2140
roleText: None
isFocusable: True
hasFocus: False
Python object: <NVDAObjects.Dynamic_FocusableUnfocusableContainerIAccessibleWindowNVDAObject object at 0x09704670>
Python class mro: (<class 'NVDAObjects.Dynamic_FocusableUnfocusableContainerIAccessibleWindowNVDAObject'>, <class 'NVDAObjects.behaviors.FocusableUnfocusableContainer'>, <class 'NVDAObjects.IAccessible.IAccessible'>, <class 'NVDAObjects.window.Window'>, <class 'NVDAObjects.NVDAObject'>, <class 'documentBase.TextContainerObject'>, <class 'baseObject.ScriptableObject'>, <class 'baseObject.AutoPropertyObject'>, <class 'garbageHandler.TrackedObject'>, <class 'object'>)
description: None
location: None
value: None
TextInfo: <class 'NVDAObjects.NVDAObjectTextInfo'>
appModule: AppModule(appModuleHandler, appName='firefox', processID=2140)
appModule.productName: 'Firefox'
appModule.productVersion: '115.7.0'
appModule.helperLocalBindingHandle: c_long(131949872)
windowHandle: 196706
windowClassName: 'MozillaWindowClass'
windowControlID: 0
windowStyle: 399441920
extendedWindowStyle: 256
windowThreadID: 3824
windowText: 'Mozilla Firefox'
displayText: exception: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object
IAccessibleObject: <POINTER(IAccessible) ptr=0x7dc4318 at abd7e40>
IAccessibleChildID: 0
IAccessible event parameters: windowHandle=196706, objectID=-4, childID=0
IAccessible accName: exception: (-2147467261, 'Puntero no válido', (None, None, None, 0, None))
IAccessible accState: exception: (-2147467261, 'Puntero no válido', (None, None, None, 0, None))
IAccessible accDescription: exception: (-2147467261, 'Puntero no válido', (None, None, None, 0, None))
IAccessible accValue: exception: (-2147467261, 'Puntero no válido', (None, None, None, 0, None))