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Fun fact: The XDG desktop portal for GNOME mobile is not adaptive, despite Nautilus being Adaptive (Nautilus is still not yet perfect on mobile but it's getting there)

#xdg #linux #linuxmobile #gnome

in reply to Amy 🇹🇭🏳️‍⚧️

that’s because it’s using dialogs provided by GTK4, and GTK cannot depend on libadwaita widgets
in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

@ebassi I saw there are 2 separate implementations: GTK and GNOME. I wonder if the GNOME one couldn't possibly use libadwaita
in reply to Angelo Verlain

@vixalientoots the GTK portal uses GTK3; the GNOME portal uses GTK4. That's the difference.

You cannot implement GtkFileChooserDialog inside GTK using libadwaita, because libadwaita depends on GTK.

The only way to do that would be for the GNOME portal to implement a whole new file selection dialog living in the portal itself.

in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

@ebassi @vixalientoots why isn't GTK4 adaptive? I feel like if GNOME Mobile is going to succeed, GTK4 needs to be capable of adapting to a mobile screen by default.
in reply to Maxim Therrien

@isVeryLoud @vixalientoots because we still have no precise idea what “adaptive” means. We started with libhandy, then libadwaita, and now libadwaita has a whole new set of widgets to implement adaptive layouts. If we wanted them in GTK4 we would have required breaking API twice, by now. Plus, for GTK5 we might get a better layout system that will make implementing animated layouts more easy. In short: we are still iterating.
in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

@isVeryLoud @vixalientoots for now, we recommend people to use libadwaita when targeting GNOME and mobile environments.
in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

@ebassi @vixalientoots Thank you for explaining!

> If we wanted them in GTK4 we would have required breaking API twice, by now.

Would adding adaptive components besides the existing ones be considered an API break? I agree it's probably the dirty way to go at it, but it would at least allow edge cases like non-GNOME software and code depended on by Libadwaita to have standardized adaptive components, although "we still have no precise idea what “adaptive” means" still remains.

in reply to Maxim Therrien

@isVeryLoud @vixalientoots adding new containers isn’t the problem, but if you look at how libadwaita works, you’ll see that it moves faster than GTK, and that it can break API more easily. GTK has a longer horizon of support. That’s one of the reasons why libadwaita exists: to experiment, iterate, and release more quickly.
in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

Got it, thank you! So for xdg-portals, we'll just have to wait for GTK5 to get mobile-ready portals, or should they roll their own widgets that look like Libadwaita?
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Maxim Therrien

@isVeryLoud @vixalientoots you don’t have to wait for GTK5: you can write your own portal implementation that uses whatever file selector dialog you want—even write your own according to your own platform guidelines or preferences