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Fedora 40 KDE Wayland Only IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING #Linux #YouTube
in reply to Brodie Robertson

It was gonna happen at some point, I'm honestly glad they're doing it now. For most people Wayland is ready, and as someone who is nearly completely blind I can say that it's pretty much ready as well. A lot of work still needs to be put into solidifying things like accessibility key grabs for screen readers and such, and existing screen readers not relying on Xwayland, but everything else pretty much just works. The final big blocker for me was QT 6 apps totally failing to find the accessibility API, so no OBS or any other QT6 things worked until qt6-base-6.6-3. I know some blind people who absolutely swear by X and will do so until it eventually dies. One of them won't because there's nothing like xf86-video-dummy for Wayland, so he can't just have no display connected and expect everything to go to a dummy driver. The same guy also accesses his stuff remotely by setting up a spice server on the thing he wants to control, then he can connect to that via a spice client and control it because xorg basically lets you do anything.