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My friend, who has #ADHD, is looking to get into #programming, specifically #python. He's been using the official Python tutorial thus far, but I feel like he'd do much better with something like the #Rust book (practical chapters where you build small projects intermixed with reference chapters that teach the concepts). I feel that having interludes where you play a more active role will keep the whole learning process more frictionless. Does anyone know of such a thing geared towards Python?
in reply to Michael Connor Buchan

fellow adhder here - I found very helpful when I was first learning to code (both Python and R) The format is short videos followed by interactive exercises. Dataquest also offers a similar product.
in reply to Michael Connor Buchan

automate the boring stuff and learn python the hard way are both task focused books I think
in reply to Michael Connor Buchan

Rust book is great.

I wouldn’t recommend it as a first language though.

There is a lot of concepts you have to keep track of to effectively program in Rust and Python has a much simpler learning curve.

Rust is considered a fairly natural transition language from Python later on as well.

I also have ADHD and have been programming professionally for 6 years. It’s a great career path for it!

in reply to Michael Connor Buchan

hm-m… I don't do Python or Rust myself, but I've heard good things about and it seems to fit your description (and my impression) of the Rust book.
in reply to Michael Connor Buchan

Two options that were recommended to me for Python were Code Academy ( ) and Data Camp ( ). I’ve dipped into both and enjoyed each of them.
in reply to Michael Connor Buchan

I have ADHD too and and I'm familiar with Automate Boring Stuff with Python book.

It's great, though downside is that the libraries the book discusses have sometimes evolved quite a lot, so you need to find old enough Python version that has the old version of the library.

He has done other kind of similar books too, which follow the same formula of bite sized projects. Best of all, the books are freely available. Should read them through when I need to refresh my Python skills.