Items tagged with: programming
I have two main vanity domains that I use. One is hosted at Google (gonna be a pain to migrate away) and one at Proton.
Anyone got a good recommendation for a new provider that offers:
- email
- static web hosting
- domain transfer inbound
- large storage for backups
- a distinct lack of evil
Fastmail does mail and static web hosting but not inbound transfers and the storage they offer is too small, unfortunately.
V posledni praci pred Unreleased jsem bojoval proti pouzivani null vs 0 k ulozeni vyznamu u typu number. Marne. Je to soucast TS a musime s tim zit, ac si tak plnime codebase naslapnymi minami.
V UR zacinam pouzivat na podobne problemy type guardy. Je to opomijena featura, ktera naprosto opravnene vyvolava emoce typoveho silenstvi a pomalosti psani kodu.
Samotneho by me to samozrejme nenapadlo. V tymu pritvrzujeme lint pravidla. Tak mi nic jineho nezbyva.
What C++ file extensions do you prefer? (feel free to explain your reasons in the replies, or comment if you use something different)
Personally I really like .cc/.hh, Google uses .cc so I adopted it, and being able to tell from the file extension whether a header file is C or C++ is super useful for lots of tooling. I never see anyone else using .cc/.hh though :(
- .cc / .hh (0%, 0 votes)
- .cc / .h (0%, 0 votes)
- .cpp / .hpp (0%, 0 votes)
- .cpp / .h (100%, 1 vote)
I wrote a blog post about the first day of Advent of Code.…
#adventofcode #kap #apl #programming
Advent of code 2024
So Advent of Code is done, and I make an actual effort this time. Of course I used Kap, and the final tally ended up being 32 out of 50 s...Elias Mårtenson
Don't get me wrong, you have to learn to code first, but if you've done it like me for a good while, maybe it's time to make a few programs.
I am also of the opinion that learning while doing is okay :).
For the first time ever, I truly got imersed in the coding and enjoyed it! point is, you really have to be interested in what you're coding, or else it sucks.
What I'm saying is common sense, but I didn't do this for a long-time, I still don't quite have the skills to write the program I'm writing, but you know what? I'm doing it anyways, doctor Google and/or my friends can help me if I need it (provided they're happy to do so of course) I haven't had so much fun until now.
#coding #programming
To anyone who uses assistive technologies like screen readers and does programming:
How do you perceive different programming languages? Are some easier to use than others, more comfortable to read than others? And what about the major ones? Also interesting: what about the terminal and commands and their output there?
I am asking because I believe not just GUIs should be designed with accessibility in mind, but everything else too. So what could be improved?
I want to write my own cross-platform and accessible for blind users #Mastodon client.
There are no #a11y friendly clients for Linux (only some TUI software) and there are only one buggy and unstable proprietary client for Windows called #tweesecake.
I already know the stack I'll use but I have one problem.
I don't know Mastodon well enough to be sure that I implement every feature which is supported there.
For sure I can read the whole API reference but maybe there are easier ways, maybe some list of features, maybe some feature guide for developers, etc.
As a blind user I can't just install any popular and cool client and take all features from it... That's the problem: they are not accessible at all or not accessible enough for every day use.
So, maybe someone helps me with some sort of docs or I don't know :D
Can anyone recommend an accessible course to learn html? It must work with NVDA. I've heard of Code Camp and W3Schools, but how accessible are they and how do they differ in content and style? I like courses with a structured approach, where things are explained i.e. a deductive and not an inductive approach. I usually don't need a tutorial, but I am fine with general instructions. In this case, though, exercises would be very beneficial. I am using this prior to beginning Part 2 of the Web Developer's course at Deque. I am not a developer, but they don't have one for accessibility testers.
#accessibility #blind #blindness #computing #DequeUniversity #html #learning #NVDA #programming #screenreaders #W3Schools
The fantasy novel Foundryside uses "scrum" as its world's equivalent of "fuck" ("you scrumming bastard," "we're scrummed," "scrum it," etc.) and as someone who's been through Agile methodology hell, this word choice is inspired.
Another poll, this time about what Platforms are used for developing #Vala apps!
Have you developed, or are developing currently an app/project written in #Vala or want to in the future? If yes, what platform are you targeting (mainly)
#GNOME #ElementaryOS #appdev #programming #coding #Linux
- GNOME (55%, 49 votes)
- Elementary OS (36%, 32 votes)
- without GUI (no preferred platform) (8%, 7 votes)
- Other (13%, 12 votes)
RIP Thomas Kurtz, cocreator of BASIC.…
In Memoriam: Thomas E. Kurtz, 1928–2024 - CHM
CHM remembers the remarkable career and contributions of 2023 Fellow Thomas E. Kurtz, who passed away on November 12, 2024.hhackford (Computer History Museum)
#humans make me sad.
#CURL is my lovely gem, a masterpiece they ever created, but what do I see on their documentation pages? This:
CURLcode res = ...
if(!res) {
That's how they check for success, meow.
On, no. Meow! Meow! Meow!
And this does not discourage humans to write such posts…
where they say common failures are:
1. Skipping the documentation!
2. Failure to check return codes
meow ((((
Common mistakes when using libcurl
I've been traveling this road for a while. Here's my collection of 15 of the most common mistakes and issues people will run into when writing applications and services that use
The age old question.
Am I testing the code, or is the code testing me?
#developerlife #fun #funny #meme #hidethepainharold #coding #programming #softwareengineering #softwaredevelopment #development
David Airlie, Red Hat kernel maintainer, about the Rust-for-Linux drama: "if people start acting as active roadblocks to work, rather than sideline commentators who we can ignore, then I will ask Linus to step in and remove roadblocks"
#linux #programming #rustlang #unix
I wrote a tutorial on how to make your own programming language (a lisp) using python:
Chipmakers puting AI cores in your CPU and not letting you use them for absolutely anything is the biggest waste of silicon in the history of modern computing.
Those tensor cores are godsend for things like large-scale CAD simulations but the only SDKs/samples provided are hardwired to run pretrained models.
There's no way to access the matrix/tensor capabilities directly. And that goes for both AMD and Intel.
— Them: “Please test #GNOMECalendar's sidebar again”
— Me, coming back from another round of testing: “Code’s haunted”
— Them: “What?”
— Me, loading a pistol and getting back to the bug tracker: “Code’s haunted”…
#MaintainerLife #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #QA #testing #programming #GNOME
When clicking today's date in the sidebar's minicalendar, some events will randomly appear or disappear (#1255) · Issues · GNOME / gnome-calendar · GitLab
Affected version Nightly / main Also version 45.1 from FedoraGitLab
See you then over at and #goingLive #twitch #youtube #selfPromo
LibreOffice development in 2023 – TDF's Annual Report - The Document Foundation Blog
In 2023, 11,272 commits were made to the LibreOffice source code, from 253 authors, in 21 repositories.Mike Saunders (The Document Foundation)
(stream): So how accessible are (Jupyter) notebooks for screen reader users?
Hi all, Accessibility is one of those topics that is often ignored until it’s too late, at times deliberately, and at other times completely by accident.Jupyter Community Forum
Microsoft Surface's UEFI implementation is in Rust…
Surface UEFI: Evolution in boot, security & device management to build an industry leading secure PC
Take a deep dive into the enabling technologies supporting UEFI developmentTECHCOMMUNITY.MICROSOFT.COM
Some time ago I have written an article about interesting way to use Strings in #Swift. If you wish, feel free to take a look and tell me what I did wrong.…
#programming #apple #iOS #macOS
Some interesting things we can do with strings in Swift
Today I want to discuss strings in Swift Hello everyone. I am trying to reinforce my knowledge of some interesting topics by writing about
We've been doing this a while. Let's SWING for the big leagues.
Tomorrow, we're doing a deep dive on #burpSuite from a #screenReader perspective. It will be mostly #blind (as in playthrough) as I've not looked at this program for a few years, and fully blind (as in sight) given ... well ... screenReader user :)
I've learned more, and hey who knows, maybe they've improved ......
If it turns out they haven't, we'll look at @zaproxy next as a more viable, generally more #accessible alternative. See you tomorrow at 3 EST over at #infosec #cybersecurity #zaproxy #portswigger #java #programming
IC_null - Twitch
Fully blind person hacking, coding and tinkering while using a screen reader. THM, HTB, accessibility, all the things.Twitch
Rust is not about memory safety…
(Ic_null stream) Code editors Decoded: Code Editors from a Screen Reader Perspective
Powered by Restream https://restream.ioDuring this live stream, we're looking into a number of code editors from a screen reader perspective. Notable contend...YouTube
just now thought about something
scratch, the 'language' for teachings kids the basics of #programming, has better first class support for async work than a bunch actual programming languages
Crash fixes, part 4: assertion failure - LibreOffice Development Blog
I have previously written about some crash fixes for segfaults and aborts in LibreOffice. Now I discuss assertion failure.Hossein Nourikhah (LibreOffice Development Blog)
Tomorrow at 3 PM EST I'll do a first #stream. We'll make us a #TryHackMe account, go through the new user flow, maybe do a room or two while looking at the various #accessibility gotchas we run into. In future streams we'll do similar for HTB, HTBA etc. as well as more #programming related things but tomorrow ...we leave pallet town all mozie-like. See you all then! #twitch #infoSec #selfPromo
It's also true that many #hacking tools, platforms, courses etc. could use some help in the #accessibility department. It's a neverending vicious circle.
Enter my new twitch channel, IC_null. On this channel, I will be streaming #programming and #hacking content including THM, HTB and who knows what else, from the perspective of a #screenReader user.
What I need, is an audience. If this is something you reckon you or anybody you know might be interested in, drop the channel a follow or share this post. Gimme that #infoSec Mastodon sense of comradery and help me out to make this idea an actual thing :) #tryHackMe #streamer #selfPromo
ic_null - Twitch
ic_null streams live on Twitch! Check out their videos, sign up to chat, and join their community.Twitch