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Recently I have ported the Monk Tower game written in #rust to native Android, I've collected some issues found on the way - so you don't have to reinvent the wheel :)

#rustlang #android #gamedev

in reply to maciek glowka

Would you be interested in bringing the game to F-Droid? (The free software android app store/repo)

F-Droid builds all distributed apks from source and I imagine there's not much rust stuff in there yet so it would be an interesting case study in itself. (and having more FOSS games in there is always nice).

Next step would be opening an issue here and see if someone wants to package it:

(I might get around to it at some point.)

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Bubu :progress_pride:

@Bubu hi, thanks for the info about that. I was actually considering it (and still am), but the publishing process was not completely clear for me and have posponed it.

But, actually maybe now IS a good moment for that, as the game development is not so dynamic anymore...

in reply to maciek glowka

I saw that the license of the engine is MIT but so far the game code (and assets) doesn't seem to have one. All code (and ideally assets) being released under a free license would be a requirement for inclusion in F-Droid.
in reply to Bubu :progress_pride:

@Bubu it's gonna be mit as well, just forgot to add it yet ;) (there even has been a gihub issue). Gonna fix it today so it's clear.