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#Windows 11 is now automatically enabling #OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

"Quietly and without any announcement, the company [#Microsoft] changed Windows 11's initial setup so that it could turn on the automatic folder backup without asking for it."

Imagine your operating system forcing all your desktop files to sync to the cloud, without letting you know it would do that. Users should be aware of when their files are synced to any cloud.

Oh wait, I forgot... Microsoft has zero regard for user choice, #privacy, and #security.


in reply to Cleverson

@clv0 thankfully not. It's only if you are "...setting up a new Windows computer the way Microsoft wants them to (in other words, connected to the internet and signed into a Microsoft account)..." Hopefully the various workarounds for local account-first set-ups won't go away fully, or if they do people will find other ways. Of course, even then we're still at the mercy of Microsoft, in a way.
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg +1

Microsoft is continuously making it harder for users to use local accounts or opt-out of things/"services" (like OneDrive) in general.

in reply to Avoid the Hack! :donor:

I do think they themselves would be wise to know that completely ridding us of the option will just force people to create forked ISOs and drive more Windows installer distribution underground. In a way they're playing a game of balance, the bigger question is how far they will push the needle before realizing it needs to be pulled back a bit.