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Allow us to introduce you to Mike, our potential mascot. He made his debut last year at #FOSDEM, but never made an appearance since. What do you think, should we embrace him into our family? Let us know in the poll!

#mascot #branding #OpenSourceDesign

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

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in reply to AntennaPod

So, what do you think of Mike (see linked toot)? Should he become our mascot? * (We're asking for your input because we love him, but aren't sure if he would well represent the quality app that we aim to provide.)

#community #vote

* We might or might not follow the outcome of this poll.

  • Yes, definitely! (25%, 144 votes)
  • Yes, but only on social media etc (not in the app) (41%, 233 votes)
  • Meh / Nah / Nope (33%, 191 votes)
568 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

AntennaPod reshared this.

in reply to aiquez

We thought about that, but Mike sounds the same, is clearer for non-native English speakers, and it's an actual name!
in reply to AntennaPod

I like the logo much more than this mascot. Also, the logo on his shirt is pretty small and a bit deviating from the logo design. It looks more like a compass than an A, mostly because of those extra pixels on the left side of the A:…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Mehrad :kde: :emacs: :rstats:

Ah, important to note: Mike would be a _mascot_, complementing our branding where fun & appropriate. It will for sure not replace our logo.
in reply to AntennaPod

Yes, that was clear based on the options in the poll. I just personally don't like it compared to the logo, and also the A on its shirt is a bit off as mentioned before, but that's me, and I already casted my vote accordingly 😊
in reply to Mehrad :kde: :emacs: :rstats:

If/When we adopt Mike as a mascot, we can certainly take that feedback on board. We see what you mean with the compass.
Thanks for voting!
in reply to AntennaPod

the "not in the app" vote is so that he won't become a clippy-cousin.
"It seems you want to subscribe to a podcast..."
in reply to Olaf Kock

Haha, that was definitely not our intention. We were more thinking of showing Mike if you search for a podcast, and there are no results.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to AntennaPod

for one day of the year though... I see potential for an April fools easteregg. Probably only to use on long-term users, to not frighten new ones right away.

"It seems you want to play a podcast..."
"It seems you'd like to refresh your feeds..."
"It seems you want to stop playing this episode.. "
"It looks like you want to skip this episode..."

in reply to AntennaPod

On one hand I think it's great design and a nice figure, on the other hand it immediately reminded me of clippy, and one does not want this association ;-)
in reply to AntennaPod

Oh my goodness no! It looks like clippy went in the witness protection programme (and who could blame the poor bugger) and got a mask and a t-shirt.
(no shade on the workmanship tho, it looks really solid)
in reply to AntennaPod

I like it, but it reminds me of Clipy from MS Word 97. I imagine when i open antenna, it will offer me to help me writing a letter :awesome:
in reply to AntennaPod

i for one welcome the rise of Clippycore as an aesthetic

"I see you're trying to listen to some podcasts. Would you like some help with that?"

in reply to AntennaPod

I also thought about Clippy, I'm indifferent about this, but I don't know if it's a bad thing legally speaking.

That's just because of the eyes though.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to AntennaPod

I'd definitely buy a black(?) shirt with him prominently displayed. There isn't a merch shop yet, is there?
in reply to Stefan Haslinger

Nope, there isn't yet. We've definitely been thinking about it, but hadn't had much merch to sell yet. Maybe if Mike makes it!
in reply to AntennaPod

the principle of mascots doesn't really work for me and Mike reminds me too much of Clippy to really like him.

But if it helps the advertising, that's great.

Just please leave it out of the app. It's nice and tidy - any ballast and playful design would be detrimental imho.

in reply to Gorobar

Oven on an empty screen, say, when you entered a search key and there are no results?
in reply to AntennaPod

I don't understand the hate (even not the hate against Clippy – indeed Clippy was the best Microsoft ever made, compared to their shitty spy ware OSes, imho, but that's another story...) against Mike. I think he's a good lad. And if you like him, #AntennaPod -crew, than you should go for it/him – I mean: You made one of the best open source podcast apps, which entertain people everyday, so people should accept your love for Mike!
Best regards!
in reply to AntennaPod

Once someone said clippy I can't think of anything else seeing this guy 😂
in reply to AntennaPod

Too manly, add a pony tail.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to AntennaPod

It immediately reminded me of Cl***y, even before I read any comment. That is, not really good memories.

As long as it comes hidden behind a content warning, I guess I can live with it.

I don't mean to be harsh or devaluate the work done here, so I'll try to be more specific. The combo metallic-object-that-sit-on-a-desktop with eyeballs-that-stare-at-you-all-day under those exageratingly-friendly-eyebrowns, it reminds me of office work, management, and surveillance.

in reply to AntennaPod

Na, I don't like it. It has no neck 😅 and it's kind of infantile. I connect your brand more to stability, innovation, connection and self determination and I don't see that in Mike.