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"To me, the latest is the latest my OS provides me. If #curl maintainers dont care about pushing the latest into the OSes they support, it's not me to blame. I think curl maintainers should push Centos to provide the latest to all users. What's the purpose of you fixing multiple bugs and security holes if you dont spend time to make it available to the broader audience?"

We are obviously all just too lazy.


Jamie Teh reshared this.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I see similar requests from various users of CentOS and RH, I suppose those users are willing to pay for supported (wallet-garden) OS but who cares about the one doing the actual software to put in their “enterprise ready” operating system.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

The constant push and pull of users and developers to always have the latest, and sysadmins and distributions who prefer ironing out everything instead of seeing flavor-of-the-month bugs pop up left and right... It's a tale as old as time.

#linux #distributions #software

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

well, Debian Trixie/testing comes with 8.7.1, currently. But of course, stable has 7.74.0. maybe it depends on what is the distro target.
in reply to Francesco P Lovergine

@gisgeek well, this user blames the curl project for not making sure every distro ships the latest curl to all their users, so I would then think your explanation would just be excuses in this user's view... 😀
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

you could just BADGER them into doing it.

Edit: Today is the day I learned that "badger" is indeed not badger but bagder.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Well, there's a lot of green on the curl version badge at (remember most of the listed distros are older and end of life in general)
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

You're now a package maintainer of every single operating system distribution (except maybe templeOS). Happy ?
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Why didn't you take a plane, and drive to their home with an USB stick with the latest curl version? Such a lack of care!
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I also ..ehh.. like that it couldn't be the website's fault, because it is big, so it must be curl that's wrong
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

in my opinion, while you're at it completely redefining how software distribution and linux distros work, you should also fix all the other bugs in centos. And the climate crisis. If you don't, can you even call curl a serious project?
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

I've noticed my dishwasher doesn't have latest curl??? Bit lazy aren't we...
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

so weird, admitting that the website is doing 'something' that is not according to the RFC and on the same time saying that it's a curl bug.
And the solution: 'some flag to bypass RFC compliance.' 🙀
And how will that magical switch convince the server not to close the connection?
There is so much wrong with that issue.

I admire your patience!

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

How dare you be so lazy and develop such relied on tools for years already in your free time! Shame on you for not also maintaining their computers without payment, fulfilling their every wish no matter what uncommon configuration they have.
Let me just quickly start yet another new linux distribution and then blame all the free/libre oss devs for them being too lazy to add their software to my distribution!

These people... what they even thinking? :hug:

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Some people... 🙄

While at it, we lazy maintainers should obviously also make sure that cold fusion finally gets invented, because we obviously don't care about our projects if we don't care about the future of humanity. Same thing with world peace, naturally. /s

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

CentOS is about stabilised environment without changing features. Curl is a core library. If you are looking for latest curl, use latest Fedora release. CentOS strengths are different. But don't hesitate to redirect the user to We have nice not-a-bug close button there as well. Both for RHEL and CentOS Stream.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

followed you because of curl, stayed for the sassy replies to assholes