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Did you enjoy our CSUN wrap-up last In-process, and our coverage of David Cane's Task Aware Browsing Proposal? Or are you more into games? What did you think of Guy Barker's #accessible #sudoku game, Grid Game? How have you found it? Or, what is YOUR favourite game? Let us know! Otherwise, read all the details in last week's In-Process blog here: #CSUNATC23
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to NV Access

Shameless plug for my web port of Aliens, an audio space invaders style game.

reshared this

in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh Shameless plug approved :) Everyone likes a good audio space invaders game*

*Except people who don't
in reply to NV Access

*I didn't actually laugh out loud, but it did amuse me.