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I was checking out this year's #StackOverflow annual developer report that few things caught my eye:

1. They have deliberately drawn the wrong conclusion about most popular operating system. They have interpreted #Linux distro as operating system, so they have separately provided numbers for Ubuntu, Arch, Fedora, and etc., and have concluded that "Windows is the most popular operating system for developers, across both personal and professional use".…


in reply to Mehrad :kde: :emacs: :rstats:

But if you add the numbers (excluding the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), #Linux still beats the Windows:

Windows (Personal use): 59.2%
Windows (Pro. use): 47.6%
Linux (Personal use): 61.0%
Linux (Pro. use): 57.3%

They should have broken down Windows to Pro, Home edition, etc. or bundle up all Linux distros to have a "Operating System" level information.



in reply to Mehrad :kde: :emacs: :rstats:

I wonder if it’s not strictly additive; like could one pick both WSL and Ubuntu in the survey?
in reply to Marcos Huerta

@marcoshuerta It says "What is the primary operating system in which you work?" was the question. For IDE, it specified "pick all that you've regularly used." So I suspect this question was actually single selection?