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Are you in Europe, and want to hear about something 🧊 cool? In our latest version (2.6) we introduced support for Podcasting 2.0 chapters!

Check out how it works in this demo 👇 🎞️

#badjoke #heatwave #FOSS #OpenSource #podcastStandards #podcasting #chapters
in reply to AntennaPod

Thank you so much for AntennaPod. As a heavy listener of podcasts, it’s a life saver
in reply to AntennaPod

This is hands down the best podcast app I've used, thank you for all your work and dedication :blobcatheart:
in reply to AntennaPod

Most of it has been working before ... for months? 🤨

I have learned to love much of it already at several weekly podcast (chapters and matching pictures to it at "LageDerNation" e.g.)

but more and regular updates are always nice!
thx :3
in reply to Michael

Correct, other types of chapters have been supported for quite some time already. What's new, is the Podcasting 2.0 way of doing chapters.
Unique of that system is that chapter info is stored in a separate file, rather than in the audio file or in the feed. This allows podcasters to move faster (e.g. release an episode and let their community prepare chapters) and can save the host bandwidth (e.g. because chapter data isn't downloaded from the feed but only if neede for an episode).
in reply to AntennaPod

All right, all right, I'll make another donation! Geez... you don't have to flex so much
in reply to Vega

Hehehe. This was *not* a call for donations. But thanks for this very kind gesture!

(If you are in the position & have the motivation, we do prefer other types of contributions. Have a look here:
in reply to AntennaPod

Sadly I'm kind of useless but I will shurely check these :)
in reply to Martin Lindeskog

The current team focuses on Android, no group has stood up to work on an iOS version. More here:
in reply to AntennaPod

Thanks for the information! I will talk with a guy and see if he interested.