Edit: This post is based on outdated information which is no longer relevant. I apologize for the confusion.
NVDA Remote was merged into NVDA for the upcoming 2025.1 release.
This sounds like something to be happy about, but read on.

Now every new feature and change has to go through NV Access to get approved, which is a lot more work than adding your feature to an addon.

Why not create a separate addon? As said in #17703, they plan to remove the ability for addons to run on secure screens in the future. If this happens, nothing like Remote can ever be created again without the blessing and cooperation of NV Access.
Instead of empowering developers and users by allowing them to choose which addons are usable on secure screens, NV Access plans on disabling them.
Merging this just gives NV Access more leverage to meeting this goal. Their reason might be something like now that Remote is merged, we don't need addons there anymore because the interaction time is so short.

You might say that NVDA is open source, so someone can just modify the features they don't like. That's true, but it has to be signed for UI Access to work correctly, so someone would have to pay quite a bit to fork it and do their own thing. You then also have the problem of a fragmented community between NVDA and the new one.

The advantage with Remote merged in is that the users will be able to use Remote without an extra download, but we're going to be stuck with whatever NV Access gives us. I guess we'll see what they turn it into.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

reshared this

in reply to aaron

@fireborn We aren't disabling add-ons on secure screens. If @tspivey had raised any concerns with us, we could have explained, but please see our reply here: fosstodon.org/@NVAccess/114187…

Thanks to @BTyson for tagging us. We can't respond if we don't see a post.
NVDA is a community driven project, and one of the roles of NV Access is to help ensure that people can trust the software. There are several projects currently underway that touch on this.
We are working on a more customisable & secure corporate mode for enterprise users. We are also working on a comprehensive & secure add-on runtime & API (which will also help prevent yearly API breaking changes). 1/2

in reply to Zvonimir Stanecic

@asael @pvagner We aren't disabling add-ons on secure screens. If @tspivey had raised any concerns with us, we could have explained, but please see our reply here: fosstodon.org/@NVAccess/114187… Please follow us for OFFICIAL information, and remember you can now also sign up to updates like our blog via email: eepurl.com/iuVyjo

Thanks to @BTyson for tagging us. We can't respond if we don't see a post.
NVDA is a community driven project, and one of the roles of NV Access is to help ensure that people can trust the software. There are several projects currently underway that touch on this.
We are working on a more customisable & secure corporate mode for enterprise users. We are also working on a comprehensive & secure add-on runtime & API (which will also help prevent yearly API breaking changes). 1/2

in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo We aren't disabling add-ons on secure screens. If @tspivey had raised any concerns with us, we could have explained, but please see our reply here: fosstodon.org/@NVAccess/114187… Please follow us for OFFICIAL information, and remember you can now also sign up to updates like our blog via email: eepurl.com/iuVyjo

Thanks to @BTyson for tagging us. We can't respond if we don't see a post.
NVDA is a community driven project, and one of the roles of NV Access is to help ensure that people can trust the software. There are several projects currently underway that touch on this.
We are working on a more customisable & secure corporate mode for enterprise users. We are also working on a comprehensive & secure add-on runtime & API (which will also help prevent yearly API breaking changes). 1/2

in reply to Tyler Spivey

I wanted to mention @NVAccess on this so we can discuss this as I'm not in favor of completely disabling add-ons on secure screens at all and I will not update my NVDA if this happens. Apart from Remote, we need to think about people who prefer a certain speech synthesizer due to, for instance, hearing loss, or cases where the built-in synthesizers do not have very good language support for a given language (for instance, I heard that eSpeak has some foreign languages that are not good at all and there are some OneCore voices that also do not have high quality support for certain languages). Please consider these points before enforcing the inability to use add-ons on the secure screens. The correct approach is to either allow the add-on developer to indicate in the manifest whether the add-on is allowed to run on a secure screen, or to allow a user to individually select which add-ons to copy to the secure screen. The fact that the plan is to just completely disable all add-ons on the secure screen, instead of allowing users to selectively copy add-ons over to the secure screen, when users express that they want this, is not good and it is not in the user's best interest. I am hoping that this thread can start a dialogue about this so that this can be discussed further, as opposed to completely disabling add-ons on the secure screens without considering the possible ramifications.
in reply to Brandon Tyson

@gocu54 @NVAccess @BTyson I think we need to know the underlying reason behind this move. Have they been ghreatened with legal action? Are they hoping more IT departments will allow employees to use NVDA? NVDA has beenquite quiet as of late. If there's a problem, they at least deserve the opportunity to explain it to us without us immediately jumping down their throats.
in reply to Alex Chapman

@alexchapman @x0 @Bruce @gocu54 @NVAccess @BTyson I think this issue is exacerbated by the fact that many of the synths users use are still technically illegal/legally ambiguous, and so even if addons will eventually be signable to run on secure screens, the synths that will benefit from that are Vocalizer, Acapela, etc. and Eloquence/Dectalk/Bestspeech will be left out.
in reply to Jack-Frostodon

@jackf723 @alexchapman @x0 @Bruce @gocu54 @NVAccess @BTyson Signable/unsignable doesn't solve the problem. It's *my* computer. I will run *whatever* code *I* want on *my* computer on *whatever* parts of the systems *I* want. It's already not possible to run addons on most secure screens in companies with correctly configured policies because it requires admin approval to make that change.
in reply to aaron

@fireborn @jackf723 @alexchapman @x0 @Bruce @gocu54 @BTyson We aren't disabling add-ons on secure screens, and certainly not for users who don't want it. If @tspivey had raised any concerns with us, we could have explained, but please see our reply here: fosstodon.org/@NVAccess/114187… Please follow us for OFFICIAL information, and remember you can now also sign up to updates like our blog via email: eepurl.com/iuVyjo

Thanks to @BTyson for tagging us. We can't respond if we don't see a post.
NVDA is a community driven project, and one of the roles of NV Access is to help ensure that people can trust the software. There are several projects currently underway that touch on this.
We are working on a more customisable & secure corporate mode for enterprise users. We are also working on a comprehensive & secure add-on runtime & API (which will also help prevent yearly API breaking changes). 1/2

in reply to NV Access

@NVAccess @fireborn @jackf723 @alexchapman @x0 @Bruce @gocu54 @BTyson what's this then github.com/nvaccess/nvda/issue…
in reply to Aryan

@Aryan @fireborn @jackf723 @alexchapman @x0 @Bruce @gocu54 @BTyson That is the FIRST link to something at all relavent to this whole discussion, thank you!

Ok, I can clarify again, we are NOT removing the ability to run add-ons on secure screens. It was a thought awhile ago, we have moved on from this considering how it would impact users. The 2025.1 milestone was a false automated tag when the issue was closed. It was closed as a duplicate of #6305 & #12879 which are both still open.

in reply to NV Access

@NVAccess @Aryan @fireborn @jackf723 @alexchapman @x0 @Bruce @gocu54 @BTyson I had a few reservations, said my bit and let the thread end. Not all of it was even about addons and secure screens. People took more out of it than I intended. I thought my original post was pretty clear that it was in the future, not a something to panic over right now thing, and I even included my source. Maybe it would've been better to wait until that actually showed up as a PR to comment.
in reply to Tyler Spivey

@Aryan @fireborn @jackf723 @alexchapman @x0 @Bruce @gocu54 @BTyson You deliberately pulled a month old comment from an issue which was closed as a duplicate, ignored the referenced open issues & did not ask in the appropriate channels - ideally on the issue where the comment was made, or at least by email to us, or even tagging us. So no, I don't buy for a minute that you legitimately expressed a concern and let it be. You deliberately lit a fuse and waited for the fireworks. - Quentin
in reply to Jack-Frostodon

@jackf723 @alexchapman @x0 @Bruce @gocu54 @BTyson As previously mentioned, we aren't disabling add-ons on secure screens. If @tspivey had raised any concerns with us, we could have explained, but please see our reply here: fosstodon.org/@NVAccess/114187… Please follow us for OFFICIAL information; you can now sign up to updates like our blog via email: eepurl.com/iuVyjo

And for corporates wanting to block add-ons, they probably wouldn't allow add-ons with unclear licenses in any case.

Thanks to @BTyson for tagging us. We can't respond if we don't see a post.
NVDA is a community driven project, and one of the roles of NV Access is to help ensure that people can trust the software. There are several projects currently underway that touch on this.
We are working on a more customisable & secure corporate mode for enterprise users. We are also working on a comprehensive & secure add-on runtime & API (which will also help prevent yearly API breaking changes). 1/2

in reply to Brandon

@serrebi @jackf723 @alexchapman @x0 @Bruce @gocu54 @BTyson Don't worry, we aren't disabling add-ons on secure screens. If @tspivey had raised any concerns with us, we could have explained, but please see our reply here: fosstodon.org/@NVAccess/114187… Please follow us for OFFICIAL information, and remember you can now also sign up to updates like our blog via email: eepurl.com/iuVyjo

Thanks to @BTyson for tagging us. We can't respond if we don't see a post.
NVDA is a community driven project, and one of the roles of NV Access is to help ensure that people can trust the software. There are several projects currently underway that touch on this.
We are working on a more customisable & secure corporate mode for enterprise users. We are also working on a comprehensive & secure add-on runtime & API (which will also help prevent yearly API breaking changes). 1/2

in reply to Alex Chapman

@alexchapman @serrebi @jackf723 @x0 @Bruce @gocu54 @BTyson If you want to fork it for your own interest, go ahead, but please don't do it based on unsubstantiated rumours. Also, if you would like to make contributions which would benefit the whole community, please do consider contributing them to the official NVDA project, that way they will benefit ALL users
in reply to Nick's world 🌎 👨‍🦯

@gocu54 @alexchapman @serrebi @jackf723 @x0 @Bruce @BTyson No need to try to make your own fork for this, we aren't disabling add-ons on secure screens. If @tspivey had raised any concerns with us, we could have explained, but please see our reply here: fosstodon.org/@NVAccess/114187… Please follow us for OFFICIAL information, and remember you can now also sign up to updates like our blog via email: eepurl.com/iuVyjo

Thanks to @BTyson for tagging us. We can't respond if we don't see a post.
NVDA is a community driven project, and one of the roles of NV Access is to help ensure that people can trust the software. There are several projects currently underway that touch on this.
We are working on a more customisable & secure corporate mode for enterprise users. We are also working on a comprehensive & secure add-on runtime & API (which will also help prevent yearly API breaking changes). 1/2

in reply to Brandon Tyson

@BTyson @x0 @Bruce @gocu54 As of now, we've seen one unsubstantiated rumour panic a heap of people on here, from someone who should know better and have approached us with their concerns first. The NV Access team have discussed this today and confirmed there are no plans even through 2026.x for anything this disruptive. If you have seen an issue which seems to state this, PLEASE share it as I am curious as much as anything now.
in reply to Brandon Tyson

@BTyson @x0 @Bruce @gocu54 And we are grateful you did, as the OP didn't bother - In fact, the best place to question that issue comment, if not the issue, would have been an email to US directly, not a public comment to everyone EXCEPT us. We had since considered the impact and alternatives and changed thinking, and would have been happy to confirm that if anyone had asked... (And yes, I've since commented on the issue to confirm that as well)
in reply to Nick's world 🌎 👨‍🦯

@gocu54 @BTyson @x0 @Bruce Please see our initial response to this thread - we aren't disabling add-ons on secure screens. If @tspivey had raised any concerns with us, we could have explained, but please see our reply here: fosstodon.org/@NVAccess/114187… Please follow us for OFFICIAL information, and remember you can now also sign up to updates like our blog via email: eepurl.com/iuVyjo

Thanks to @BTyson for tagging us. We can't respond if we don't see a post.
NVDA is a community driven project, and one of the roles of NV Access is to help ensure that people can trust the software. There are several projects currently underway that touch on this.
We are working on a more customisable & secure corporate mode for enterprise users. We are also working on a comprehensive & secure add-on runtime & API (which will also help prevent yearly API breaking changes). 1/2

in reply to Brandon Tyson

@BTyson @x0 @Bruce @gocu54 It looks like the way the issue was closed set the system thinking it was "completed" & added to the next milestone (2025.1). Though for THAT to be correct, it would need to have been closed by a pull request (addition of code actually addressing the sisue). The comment about future direction was, as noted, a thought at the time, which hadn't been at fleshed out yet. Since then we've changed that direction. It would only have taken a question to US to confirm.
in reply to Bruce Toews

@Bruce @gocu54 @BTyson We aren't disabling add-ons on secure screens. If @tspivey had raised any concerns with us, we could have explained, but please see our reply here: fosstodon.org/@NVAccess/114187… Please follow us for OFFICIAL information, and remember you can now also sign up to updates like our blog via email: eepurl.com/iuVyjo

Thanks to @BTyson for tagging us. We can't respond if we don't see a post.
NVDA is a community driven project, and one of the roles of NV Access is to help ensure that people can trust the software. There are several projects currently underway that touch on this.
We are working on a more customisable & secure corporate mode for enterprise users. We are also working on a comprehensive & secure add-on runtime & API (which will also help prevent yearly API breaking changes). 1/2

in reply to Bruce Toews

@Bruce @gocu54 @BTyson Side note: We're about! Our blog has been out regularly as usual: nvaccess.org/category/in-proce…

We haven't yet put out a 2025.1 beta due to it being large with work such as incorporating remote.

We've probably been a bit quieter the last week specifically due to being at the CSUN conference but we're coming back on deck again now :)

in reply to LeonianUniverse😁

@LeonianUniverse @Bruce @gocu54 @BTyson Only sudden if it were true - and if it were, we'd announce it, officially, ourselves.... We aren't disabling add-ons on secure screens. If @tspivey had raised any concerns with us, we could have explained, but please see our reply here: fosstodon.org/@NVAccess/114187… Please follow us for OFFICIAL information, and remember you can now also sign up to updates like our blog via email: eepurl.com/iuVyjo

Thanks to @BTyson for tagging us. We can't respond if we don't see a post.
NVDA is a community driven project, and one of the roles of NV Access is to help ensure that people can trust the software. There are several projects currently underway that touch on this.
We are working on a more customisable & secure corporate mode for enterprise users. We are also working on a comprehensive & secure add-on runtime & API (which will also help prevent yearly API breaking changes). 1/2

in reply to Brandon Tyson

@BTyson Brandon, firstly thank you for tagging us in this thread. We are disappointed that this was created rather than asked privately where we could have cleared it up AND we weren't even tagged in it... So, we aren't disabling add-ons on secure screens. You'll have seen our original reply, but linked again here just in case it's useful: fosstodon.org/@NVAccess/114187…

Thanks to @BTyson for tagging us. We can't respond if we don't see a post.
NVDA is a community driven project, and one of the roles of NV Access is to help ensure that people can trust the software. There are several projects currently underway that touch on this.
We are working on a more customisable & secure corporate mode for enterprise users. We are also working on a comprehensive & secure add-on runtime & API (which will also help prevent yearly API breaking changes). 1/2

in reply to Brandon Tyson

@BTyson @NVAccess I fully concur with all the points mentioned. I will refrain from updating my version of NVDA should this transpire. Although integrating NVDA remote as a component of the primary NVDA package might seem beneficial, the resultant compromise is not advantageous for the end user. It is almost as if the argument is that they will be provided with NVDA remote and other crucial add-ons deemed important, but are restricted to downloading add-ons solely from the specified add-on store, and your only screen reader open to you is NVDA at startup. I acknowledge that the latter point is somewhat exaggerated, however, in my view, there should be no reason for users to be restrained from using their preferred speech synthesizer on the UAC screens or at startup. From a user's standpoint, even contemplating such an idea is illogical.
in reply to Darrell Bowles

@vol4life8657 @BTyson We aren't disabling add-ons on secure screens. If @tspivey had raised any concerns with us, we could have explained, but please see our reply here: fosstodon.org/@NVAccess/114187…

Thanks to @BTyson for tagging us. We can't respond if we don't see a post.
NVDA is a community driven project, and one of the roles of NV Access is to help ensure that people can trust the software. There are several projects currently underway that touch on this.
We are working on a more customisable & secure corporate mode for enterprise users. We are also working on a comprehensive & secure add-on runtime & API (which will also help prevent yearly API breaking changes). 1/2

in reply to patricus

@patricus @vol4life8657 @BTyson We aren't disabling add-ons on secure screens. If @tspivey had raised any concerns with us, we could have explained, but please see our reply here: fosstodon.org/@NVAccess/114187… Please follow us for OFFICIAL information, and remember you can now also sign up to updates like our blog via email: eepurl.com/iuVyjo

Thanks to @BTyson for tagging us. We can't respond if we don't see a post.
NVDA is a community driven project, and one of the roles of NV Access is to help ensure that people can trust the software. There are several projects currently underway that touch on this.
We are working on a more customisable & secure corporate mode for enterprise users. We are also working on a comprehensive & secure add-on runtime & API (which will also help prevent yearly API breaking changes). 1/2

in reply to Svenja

@svenja @vol4life8657 @BTyson We aren't disabling add-ons on secure screens. If @tspivey had raised any concerns with us, we could have explained, but please see our reply here: fosstodon.org/@NVAccess/114187… Please follow us for OFFICIAL information, and remember you can now also sign up to updates like our blog via email: eepurl.com/iuVyjo

Thanks to @BTyson for tagging us. We can't respond if we don't see a post.
NVDA is a community driven project, and one of the roles of NV Access is to help ensure that people can trust the software. There are several projects currently underway that touch on this.
We are working on a more customisable & secure corporate mode for enterprise users. We are also working on a comprehensive & secure add-on runtime & API (which will also help prevent yearly API breaking changes). 1/2

in reply to Mckensie parker

@mckensie @BTyson We aren't disabling add-ons on secure screens. If @tspivey had raised any concerns with us, we could have explained, but please see our reply here: fosstodon.org/@NVAccess/114187… Please follow us for OFFICIAL information, and remember you can now also sign up to updates like our blog via email: eepurl.com/iuVyjo

Thanks to @BTyson for tagging us. We can't respond if we don't see a post.
NVDA is a community driven project, and one of the roles of NV Access is to help ensure that people can trust the software. There are several projects currently underway that touch on this.
We are working on a more customisable & secure corporate mode for enterprise users. We are also working on a comprehensive & secure add-on runtime & API (which will also help prevent yearly API breaking changes). 1/2

in reply to jcsteelguitars

@jcsteelguitars @mckensie @BTyson We aren't disabling add-ons on secure screens. If @tspivey had raised any concerns with us, we could have explained, but please see our reply here: fosstodon.org/@NVAccess/114187… Please follow us for OFFICIAL information, and remember you can now also sign up to updates like our blog via email: eepurl.com/iuVyjo

Thanks to @BTyson for tagging us. We can't respond if we don't see a post.
NVDA is a community driven project, and one of the roles of NV Access is to help ensure that people can trust the software. There are several projects currently underway that touch on this.
We are working on a more customisable & secure corporate mode for enterprise users. We are also working on a comprehensive & secure add-on runtime & API (which will also help prevent yearly API breaking changes). 1/2

in reply to Mike Breedlove

@stirlock @BTyson @NVAccess Or maybe wait until it happens and see how it transpires, and then provide your feedback? Personally, I can't imagine that there wouldn't be an exception for speech synthesizers/Braille display drivers, but let's wait and see. Other than that and kill NVDA in some cases, I don't really have any addons that absolutely must run for the 30 seconds that will take me to sign in/confirm UAC.
in reply to Nikola Jović

@NikJov @stirlock @BTyson Mike is right - don't panic just yet - we aren't disabling add-ons on secure screens. If @tspivey had raised any concerns with us, we could have explained, but please see our reply here: fosstodon.org/@NVAccess/114187… Please follow us for OFFICIAL information, and remember you can now also sign up to updates like our blog via email: eepurl.com/iuVyjo

Thanks to @BTyson for tagging us. We can't respond if we don't see a post.
NVDA is a community driven project, and one of the roles of NV Access is to help ensure that people can trust the software. There are several projects currently underway that touch on this.
We are working on a more customisable & secure corporate mode for enterprise users. We are also working on a comprehensive & secure add-on runtime & API (which will also help prevent yearly API breaking changes). 1/2

in reply to Tyler Spivey

Thanks to @BTyson for tagging us. We can't respond if we don't see a post.
NVDA is a community driven project, and one of the roles of NV Access is to help ensure that people can trust the software. There are several projects currently underway that touch on this.
We are working on a more customisable & secure corporate mode for enterprise users. We are also working on a comprehensive & secure add-on runtime & API (which will also help prevent yearly API breaking changes). 1/2
in reply to NV Access

2/2 We understand users may need to run add-ons on secure screens. We are also keenly aware that allowing arbitrary code to run on secure screens can be a risk. We are building a way to allow users to run add-ons in secure contexts safely. We are working to give users more options to customise their level of security & have no plans to stop add-ons running on secure screens. As always, we encourage feedback, particularly where we have announced something & may not have considered all use cases.
in reply to x0

@x0 We aren't disabling add-ons on secure screens. If @tspivey had raised any concerns with us, we could have explained, but please see our reply here: fosstodon.org/@NVAccess/114187…

Thanks to @BTyson for tagging us. We can't respond if we don't see a post.
NVDA is a community driven project, and one of the roles of NV Access is to help ensure that people can trust the software. There are several projects currently underway that touch on this.
We are working on a more customisable & secure corporate mode for enterprise users. We are also working on a comprehensive & secure add-on runtime & API (which will also help prevent yearly API breaking changes). 1/2

in reply to x0

Now, if they do end up making a corporate version of NVDA which comes with add-ons hard disabled, I wouldn't object. Security departments are worried about arbitrary code execution and it isn't entirely unfounded. I wouldn't take it for a malware target but it might allow you to break out of a sandbox. A useful signing mechanism would be nice to bring in synth drivers and app modules approved by higher ups.
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to x0

@x0 We ARE working on a corporate mode, and more secure add-on API to address these concerns AND allow users to still do everything they need. Please see fosstodon.org/@NVAccess/114187… for more information.

Thanks to @BTyson for tagging us. We can't respond if we don't see a post.
NVDA is a community driven project, and one of the roles of NV Access is to help ensure that people can trust the software. There are several projects currently underway that touch on this.
We are working on a more customisable & secure corporate mode for enterprise users. We are also working on a comprehensive & secure add-on runtime & API (which will also help prevent yearly API breaking changes). 1/2

in reply to Kyle Borah

@KyleBorah @x0 We regularly liaise with corporate IT departments using NVDA and haven't encountered a company or IT department in at least 10 years worried about NVDA because it's open source. If you can provide concrete details to us of specific organisations with concerns (privately) we'd be grateful. In the meantime, please see this section of our corporate pages which links to multiple international company & government policies encouraging open source: nvaccess.org/corporate-governm…
in reply to Kyle Borah

@KyleBorah Ah. Wait, they specifically don't trust FOSS things because the code is available as opposed to them paying for something propriotary? I know NVDA is a bit too big to audit, but if someone is concerned, isn't FOSS better for transparency than propriotary? Plus it isn't as if loads of modern corporate infra isn't built on it. I guess it jsut seems weird to me that an IT department would inherently distrust open source given how far it's spread into even the corporate world.
in reply to x0

@x0 @KyleBorah We regularly liaise with corporate IT departments using NVDA and haven't encountered a company or IT department in at least 10 years worried about NVDA because it's open source. If you can provide concrete details to us of specific organisations with concerns (privately) we'd be grateful. In the meantime, please see this section of our corporate pages which links to multiple international company & government policies encouraging open source: nvaccess.org/corporate-governm…
in reply to Alex Chapman

@alexchapman @KyleBorah @x0 We regularly liaise with corporate IT departments using NVDA & haven't found a company or IT department in at least 10 years worried about NVDA because it's open source. If you can provide concrete details to us of specific organisations with concerns (privately) we'd be grateful. In the meantime, please see this section of our corporate pages which links to multiple international company & government policies encouraging open source: nvaccess.org/corporate-governm…
in reply to valiant8086

@valiant8086 @x0 We aren't disabling add-ons on secure screens. If @tspivey had raised any concerns with us, we could have explained, but please see our reply here: fosstodon.org/@NVAccess/114187…

Thanks to @BTyson for tagging us. We can't respond if we don't see a post.
NVDA is a community driven project, and one of the roles of NV Access is to help ensure that people can trust the software. There are several projects currently underway that touch on this.
We are working on a more customisable & secure corporate mode for enterprise users. We are also working on a comprehensive & secure add-on runtime & API (which will also help prevent yearly API breaking changes). 1/2

in reply to Tyler Spivey

This is bad news for Eloquence users who use Eloquence for secure screens. Luckily, I'm not one of such users. Usually, I use my default configuration. But I have a few friends who use Eloquence for everything, including their secure screens. I mean, porting IBMTTS into the core of NVDA would be a bit ridiculous, as I previously stated, I do not use Eloquence. I know some people who would say otherwise though.
in reply to Mckensie parker

@mckensie We aren't disabling add-ons on secure screens. If @tspivey had raised any concerns with us, we could have explained, but please see our reply here: fosstodon.org/@NVAccess/114187…

Thanks to @BTyson for tagging us. We can't respond if we don't see a post.
NVDA is a community driven project, and one of the roles of NV Access is to help ensure that people can trust the software. There are several projects currently underway that touch on this.
We are working on a more customisable & secure corporate mode for enterprise users. We are also working on a comprehensive & secure add-on runtime & API (which will also help prevent yearly API breaking changes). 1/2

in reply to The Evil Chocolate Cookie

@evilcookies98 As long as you've got a workable screen reader & are happy. If you do switch between the two, our switching guide may be helpful: github.com/nvaccess/nvda/wiki/…

FWIW, we aren't disabling add-ons on secure screens. If @tspivey had raised any concerns with us, we could have explained, but please see our reply here: fosstodon.org/@NVAccess/114187… Please follow us for OFFICIAL information, and remember you can now also sign up to updates like our blog via email: eepurl.com/iuVyjo

Thanks to @BTyson for tagging us. We can't respond if we don't see a post.
NVDA is a community driven project, and one of the roles of NV Access is to help ensure that people can trust the software. There are several projects currently underway that touch on this.
We are working on a more customisable & secure corporate mode for enterprise users. We are also working on a comprehensive & secure add-on runtime & API (which will also help prevent yearly API breaking changes). 1/2

in reply to The Evil Chocolate Cookie

@evilcookies98 @NikJov If you want to use Jaws, go for it - but NVDA lets you easily use your preferred speech settings on the sign in screen. If that's your main concern, I'd be happy to walk you through addressing it (and in any case, we'd be happy to hear any other concerns you do have you feel warrant changing screen readers - feel free to write to us at info@nvaccess.org)
in reply to The Evil Chocolate Cookie

@evilcookies98 My preference is my speech rate. About custom voices, we'll see what happens when it happens. I have no need to switch my screen reader over something that may happen in a year, but maybe it won't even impact me in any way, for instance maybe synth drivers will be an exception. I don't see the need to instantly jump to the worst conclusion possible.
in reply to Nikola Jović

@NikJov @evilcookies98 Ah that's the problem.... Did we say that? Please do point out where it says on our roadmap we are going to disable add-ons on secure screens? You'll find it here: nvaccess.org/post/nvda-roadmap…
in reply to Brandon

@serrebi @johann @evilcookies98 To be honest, I really don't know of many open, or close source apps that provide the ability to run whatever custom Python code on the Windows sign-in screen. To be clear, I fully agree that there needs to be a way for speech synthesizers and Braille display drivers to run, but other than that, almost no add-ons are needed during the minimal amount of time on secure screens.
in reply to Nikola Jović

@NikJov @johann @evilcookies98 I agree with that, of course. I think it is interesting timing that remote got put in with an inconvenient shortcut command that I have come around too, and now we are talking about blocking out speech synthesizers some people don’t like us using from the logon screen. Not a good look for MVDA.
in reply to Brandon

@serrebi @NikJov @johann @evilcookies98 I think I've driven home the original point, but just wanted to pick up the keystroke - I can't recall if there was discussion on that, but do feel free to comment on the issue / give us feedback on it - and of course, you CAN change keystrokes in NVDA's input gestures, as described here: nvaccess.org/post/in-process-2…
in reply to Brandon

@serrebi @johann @evilcookies98 It doesn't have anything to do with someone liking or not liking a certain synthesizer. As for the remote shortcut, that's a highly individual item, for me, taking over the F11 key on its own was way more inconvenient, and with no way to change it without editing the source code. I switched over to TeleNVDA just for that. At least now, you can choose your own preferred shortcut.
in reply to Nikola Jović

@NikJov @serrebi @johann @evilcookies98 You can reassign NVDA gestures in the Input Gestures dialog, as described here: nvaccess.org/post/in-process-2… (I just double checked, there are a half dozen gestures for remote you can adjust in there).
in reply to Brandon

@serrebi @johann @evilcookies98 That's the thing. We don't know yet how it will work, just that it is a plan. The feature isn't here yet, so its details aren't known. I don't know if there will be a way to override it for advanced users, or not. No special timing involved too, this has been on the roadmap for a while, check the first issue about it I saw in 2022 at github.com/nvaccess/nvda/issue…
in reply to Ryan F

@RyanF Good pickup Ryan - if this HAD come from us, there would be a link to an issue, a PR, an item in our roadmap..... We aren't disabling add-ons on secure screens. If @tspivey had raised any concerns with us, we could have explained, but please see our reply here: fosstodon.org/@NVAccess/114187… Please follow us for OFFICIAL information, and remember you can now also sign up to updates like our blog via email: eepurl.com/iuVyjo

Thanks to @BTyson for tagging us. We can't respond if we don't see a post.
NVDA is a community driven project, and one of the roles of NV Access is to help ensure that people can trust the software. There are several projects currently underway that touch on this.
We are working on a more customisable & secure corporate mode for enterprise users. We are also working on a comprehensive & secure add-on runtime & API (which will also help prevent yearly API breaking changes). 1/2

in reply to Katy T

@SeveraSnape Unfortunately (or acutally, fortunately) Tyler has the wrong end of the stick on .... wherever he got this from. We aren't disabling add-ons on secure screens. If @tspivey had raised any concerns with us, we could have explained, but please see our reply here: fosstodon.org/@NVAccess/114187… Please follow us for OFFICIAL information, and remember you can now also sign up to updates like our blog via email: eepurl.com/iuVyjo

Thanks to @BTyson for tagging us. We can't respond if we don't see a post.
NVDA is a community driven project, and one of the roles of NV Access is to help ensure that people can trust the software. There are several projects currently underway that touch on this.
We are working on a more customisable & secure corporate mode for enterprise users. We are also working on a comprehensive & secure add-on runtime & API (which will also help prevent yearly API breaking changes). 1/2