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The beta release for version 2 of @skytemple Randomizer is out! It's completely rewritten in GTK 4 and Adwaita and runs on Linux (Flathub), macOS and Windows!

Thanks to Workbench, Blueprint Compiler and GNOME's HIG redesigning the UI was actually a lot of fun, and the new UX just feels so nice and satisfying to work with.

Next up is migrating the SkyTemple main app to GTK 4 as well!

#pmd #pokemon #GTK #Adwaita #Workbench #blueprintcompiler #python

in reply to Capypara

Love to hear about what people use Workbench for. Thanks for adding and maintaining Python support!

I didn't know we shared a like for Pokémon, altought I never played the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series - is it too late?

in reply to Sonny

@sonny haha! They probably won't make another one, but that doesn't stop the old games being great :) - I'm really amazed to see the great community the built around the games and my main app (the ROM editor), we just had another game jam where over 16 teams submitted their own mods & games built on the old game! It's inspiring to see the creativity & it's a testament to how easy-to-use tools enable people to do great things!