If you are using Mastodon on a computer, you can optionally use it entirely through your keyboard using "hotkeys". There is a complete list of these keyboard shortcuts here:
➡️ fedi.tips/using-mastodon-throu…
You can see this list at any time by pressing Shift + ? (or just ? on some keyboard layouts).
Some of the shortcuts only work with the advanced multicolumn mode (more info about it: fedi.tips/how-to-activate-mast…) but most shortcuts work with single column mode too.
#FediTips #Mastodon #Keyboards
How to use Mastodon’s Tweetdeck-style Advanced Web Interface | Fedi.Tips – An Unofficial Guide to Mastodon and the Fediverse
An unofficial guide to using Mastodon and the Fediversefedi.tips
This entry was edited (6 months ago)