Hey lovelies, a good way to approach writing content warnings for posts is to consider: Am I going to make someone's day harder and more upsetting by posting this without one?
I know there's a pressing desire to share information, heck even I am guilty of that from time to time, but the reality is "Yes! We need to talk about these things!" And also "Yes! Some of these things are really triggering and painful for some of us to come across over and over and over again."
CWs enable us to keep up communication while remaining kind to people who are often affected the most by the stories we are posting. Fedi is a far kinder place because we make it kinder, and if you are new here, you can help continue that.
And yes, this takes a couple of seconds out of your day, but it also makes you a considerate person in the process.
Even easier, you can just consider it a subject heading for whatever post you are about to make.
It doesn't mean less people will read it, it just means it gives people a second to process whether they have the bandwidth for it right then and there and that's great for everyone's ongoing mental health.
Food is another CW that not everyone follows, but it's a kindness for anyone who is suffering with issues related to eating disorders or illnesses or medications that cause severe nausea and is a kindness to anyone dealing with that.
And no, you don't have to CW but i guess the real question is do you want to be kind to others?
And if you find a post you really want to share without one, copy the link for the post and paste it in a new post with a CW. It only takes a couple of seconds.
#fediTips #CW #kindness