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What fun stuff should I run on my new server?

I'm interested in learning about new useful terminal-based programs for #debian #linux! New ideas of stuff I'm interested in running include stuff like uptime monitoring for various things and anything else fun or useful I could run in a #homelab.

Heck, even some information about fun projects and what you currently host would be interesting to learn from.

I have plenty of storage and such around. The new server is an older Dell Poweredge T330, which should more than sadisfy me for a while.

If these programs could be entirely managed from a terminal rather than web UIs and such, that'd be awesome! I find they are much easier for me to use, anyway.

Please boost for reach if you wish.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Patrick W

Hi, so do you have a Dell computer? I'm thinking of getting one within a few months. Is it a latitude? I'm interested in knowing how comfortable is the keyboard, audio quality, etc., since I'm blind too.