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Speaking of excessive European regulations. May I just accept all cookies on all websites please? No, I don't care how many partners you have, I don't care what you track about me, I have enough net higiene to avoid suspicious sites, and if I catch something, I take whole responsibility on myself. Please just stop displaying those annoying and sometimes poorly accessible windows to me!
in reply to André Polykanine

P.S. You don't give a shit about my privacy and you and I both know it, you'll be collecting data on me by other means, you patronizing good for nothing bunch of pricks.
in reply to Haily Merry

@arqeria Exactly. I mean, as if I click "Reject", they go immediately like: "Oh man, you rejected, we won't collect any data then, sorry sorry!"
in reply to André Polykanine

Oh, incidentally, you know those new fangled water bottles with non-removable caps? Yup, you can blaim Europe for those too. We even have them in the good old UK, because apparently there's no escape from geography afterall. Isn't freedom nice?
in reply to Haily Merry

@arqeria Apparently, you didn't read my angry rant about them here on Mastodon. It's just extremely irritating!
in reply to André Polykanine

Hard agree. I think perhaps my biggest problem with a lot of these regulations is that they hit consumers without really getting to the heart of any of the problems we have. Equally though, I do see the necessity to deal with waste plastic, but I'm not really sure what sort of alternative policies we could use. Put a tax on plastic, which I think is already done in some quarters, and you just insentivise companies to move away from it by the most cost affective means possible, and i'm not realy sure how practical a tax on lazy solutions to complex problems would be. Lol. I remember reading something awhile ago about a disposable alternative to plastic which is being used in some grocery bags, but not sure how practical that would be for things like water botles.
in reply to Haily Merry

@arqeria As I'm a huge fan of tech progress, my solution is this: go another direction. I'm strictly against any forbidding measures, I was born in the Soviet Union where too many things were forbidden, so now I have sort of an allergy to that. Plastic is cheap, convenient, durable, nice to use, you cannot un-invent it. Then, think how to dispose it correctly: there are developments in this domain, like making road tiles out of recycled plastic; there are artificial bacteries that eat plastic and produce something (fuel, if I remember correctly). Invest in this instead! The same goes for AI. What I hear: ah-oh, don't use ChatGPT, it wastes water, energy, blah blah blah! Total bullshit, excuse my language. I won't stop using a tool that is *convenient* for me and that helps me only because of your ideas, no matter how righteous they are. Invest in making it less wasteful, that's it, that's the progress! the same goes on and on and on: don't use cars, they pollute the air! Fuck off you eco-bastards, invest in hydrogen cars, pure electrical batteries, solar panels on car tops, whatever, instead of trying to stop the progress and yelling "forbidden!!". Phew, sorry for that, there are just too little people who understand things that seem obvious to me.
in reply to André Polykanine

oh yeah I completely forgot about recycling but that's a very valid point, I just remembered that I use a recycling program for my coffee pods funded by the local council, so these things can be very effective if people show the initiative insofar as starting them and spreading public awareness.
in reply to Haily Merry

@arqeria And again, I'm totally for environment protection, I hate dirty air, I know about plastic islands in the ocean, I know many ocean inhabitants suffer, including cetaceans whom I believe to be sentient, I believe the oil era must end as soon as possible. My anger and negative emotions are directed to the *way* it's done. It's like, you know, I heard in the UK (I believe) there once was a law saying: Since horses are afraid of cars, cars are forbidden till horses get used to them. But horses can't get used to a non-existent thing that is forbidden! That is my point.
in reply to André Polykanine

to be fair I think that law had more to do with horses getting out of control with people riding them or in carts attached to them or whatever and then potentially going on to do all sorts of damage, also we didn't really have mass ownership of cars until after the second world war because they were too expensive, so it was basically just a handful of very rich people, and they weren't really that much faster than horses back then either. Agree with the sentiment though.