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Items tagged with: accessiBe

“Socks, lies, and accessibility”

Where @janmaarten shows that just a couple days after #accessiBe’s CEO promised to stop being such a lying liarface it went and used sock puppet Twitter accounts to promote its #overlay.

As I keep saying, past behavior is a predictor of future behavior (side-eyes #AudioEye, #UserWay, #FACILiti).

#a11y #accessibility

Let’s remember #AudioEye is a bully:

Its #overlay (still) does not work:

It SLAPPs critics (I am not the only one):

…and in the end harms users and #accessibility industry as a whole:

Throwing investor money at a clear PR ploy is not a fix (didn’t help #accessiBe). If anything, it highlights the scam.

Reputation washing works both ways. I feel bad for its new CAO who likely had good intentions.

Search Engine Land (guest/paying author) is pretty clear that you should not use accessibility overlays (such as #accessiBe, #UserWay, #AudioEye, etc):

“Are you using an accessibility overlay to help disabled users? Don’t!”

via @JonAvilaA11y #a11y