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I am hoping to get on a Facetime call with someone who knows about #3DPrinting so that I can sort of show what's going wrong with my printer, because I feel like explaining my printer issues with my Ender 3 V 2 isn't enough, showing someone with experience might just be the way to do it, but no one on Be My Eyes seems to have experience, so I am reaching out for help. Please boost, and if you have 3DPrinting experience, especially with a printer like the Ender 3 V 2, that would be most helpful, I'd even be willing to pay for help at this point because no matter what I do, my prints always come out like blobs of PLA instead of actual good prints, and the only way to learn how to do printer maintenance is to get help from a person who can go through it with me and show me where everything is so that I can do it myself. I am #Blind and YouTube videos don't work in helping me know what to do to fix my printer if indeed it needs to be fixed, or if my settings on Slic3R are set wrong and that is the problem, I've tried everything I know with no good result.