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Have been playing with, a free solution by the dev of OBS Studio which makes it possible to stream and receive multiple sources through any web-based view. In practice, it can do what Cleanfeed does, except it's not as heavily Chrome-dependent, allows for things like changing audio inputs and outputs for other people which makes it so much easier for sound technicians to tweak the setup for radio show or podcast guests, and all of the parameters can be tweaked through URL parameters so it is easy to hand out customized invitation links with everything pre-configured for each guest. The dev, I am told, cares deeply for #Accessibility and, although some suggestions could still be implemented, it is rather pleasant to work with at present.

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in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

No pięknie. Skąd to wziąłeś? Z opisu już trochę nie dla mnie, ale nie wgłębiałem się aż tak jeszcze.
in reply to michalkasperczak

@michalkasperczak Bardzo chętnie przetestuję. Fakt, interfejs jest dość mocno skomplikowany, ale nie jest to nie do przeskoczenia. Znajomy mi o tym mówił już od ddłuższego czasu, a ja albo jakoś nie dowierzałem, albo chyba nawet testowaliśmy, ale były jakieś problemy.
in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

Ah yes, I remember using this for a duel stream set up with my ex a few years ago. It worked really well.
in reply to Mike Breedlove

@stirlock I am trying to report all accessibility-related findings to the dev as much as my spare time allows. So far we have got ARIA regions for all of the connected streams aka guests, Cleanfeed style. Steve reacts very fast to such reports so it's definitely worth hanging out on the project's Discord server.