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An update on #BlueSky and #AI. They have answered to questions and revealed that their deal with specifically forbids the latter from training their models on user data. BlueSky have also updated their TOS to be more clear.

See the linked toot from ‪@growlbeast‬ for more details.

I’d still avoid it personally, their “moderation” is nonexistent and I wouldn’t touch anything backed by cryptobros, but for now this is good news :)

Bsky does have say in how Hive uses the data Hive gets from Bsky as it's part of the agreement they have with Hive and It would have to be disclosed in our user end ToS.(The ToS states our data is NOT used beyond moderation models, meaning it does not go to the image gen model.)

BSky has been updating their ToS to be more clear about it apparently too.

here's an email sent from the team to my friend regarding some of this:

This entry was edited (10 months ago)