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Hey everyone,

I'm trying to take another stab at implementing #Passbook (#pkpass) support in #Catima.

It's going okay but I'm having trouble hunting down test cases, especially test cases with localized strings.

Do you have any .pkpass file you're willing to share with me? If so, please send them to me and tell me if you're okay with me including them in Catima unit tests. Feel free to censor things before sending (but please tell me what you censored).


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in reply to Sylvia

Thank you all!

I received a variety of different passes with quite some variety of fields existing/missing and different data types.

As far as I can tell, I should have enough data to properly test and implement all common cases and I think I don't need more cards right now. If I turn out to be missing something after all I'll make sure to ask for help again :)