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Ah, is that time again for unsolicited opinions about #threads and #Meta let's gooo. Spoiler alert: If you like corporate social media, you are not going to like this thread🧵
in reply to Bernie the Wordsmith

When I learned about the plans for #Threads to federate, I was just arriving to Fedi. So of course I had an idiotic opinion about it; Meta federation would be good for us. To say I acted as an uneducated moron would be an understatement
in reply to Bernie the Wordsmith

My (oh so wrong) line of thinking was something like this: there are millions of people locked in Facebook systems and it's difficult for them to leave. @pluralistic mentions this with the term "switching costs" in his now seminal piece about how corporate social media networks die

So, if Facebook exposed part of its jail to Fedi, that would make easier for us to rescue our relatives, friends etc.

in reply to Bernie the Wordsmith

Well, suffice to say, people that depended on Fedi to have a safe social media experience had strong opinions. And they expressed them to me. Let's say I was thoroughly educated that day
in reply to Bernie the Wordsmith

Many people, trans people among them, see this place as a safe haven to express themselves. Mind you, the safety of this space didn't came from nowhere. They had to fight for every inch of territory against the bigots. They ousted them on some Nazi islands and blew the bridges. The battle is not over doh. Admins and volunteers take care of this place in a way that a multi-million dollar company newer would
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Bernie the Wordsmith

In the meantime, Meta has being demonstrating its capacity for moderation by hosting *checks notes*:

- LibsOfTiktok, the harassment account driven by the stochastic terrorist Chaya Raichik

in reply to Bernie the Wordsmith

Can you IMAGINE the rage of the persons and the collectives targeted by Chaya when they see us welcoming a company that are enablers of people that want them dead. Do you expect then to be CIVIL about it? My brothers in Batman, there is no debate here.
in reply to Bernie the Wordsmith

So, no. I will not defend for people here to lose their safe spaces because we want to be "the future" and the "cool thing". LGTBQ+ people, furries, made this place what it is nowadays. They built good stuff that I have the fucking privilege to enjoy every day, and I feel grateful for
in reply to Bernie the Wordsmith

#Fedipact is so easy to understand that even a male cis westerner like me can get it: A coalition of servers want the #Meta shit machine as far from their gardens as possible. Because they built those gardens with suffering and lots of love.