Week in Fediverse 2024-01-12
- lotide v0.14.2
- ActivityPub for WordPress v2.0.0
- Bovine v0.5.7
- snac v2.44
- GoToSocial v0.13.1
- Lemmy v0.19.2
- Hubzilla v8.8.6
- Mitra v2.7.0
- ActivityPods v1.5
- tootik v0.5.14
- Thank you for making Owncast a success in 2023
- SubwayTooter v5.545
- IceCubesApp v1.10.20
- Voyager v1.34.0
- Lemoa v0.5.1
- TootSDK v2.0.0
- Lemmy Migrate v1.1.2
- Kbin KES v3.2.0
- Rebuttals on the Fediseer
- Activity Streams/Primer/Link type
- ActivityPub editor's draft
- The Pirate Ship Model of Federated Social Media
- Podcasting news
- How Threads will integrate with the Fediverse
- Last Week in Fediverse – ep 50
#WeekInFediverse #Fediverse #ActivityPub
Previous edition: mitra.social/objects/018cdb6f-…
The Pirate Ship Model of Federated Social Media
It’s romantic sailing the high seas with your mates.תַּעֲלֻמוֹת (@taalumot)