Items tagged with: licenses
New checks in #namcap allow us to have an easier time adding #SPDX compliant #license identifiers for #packages! 🎉…
The initial integration has been worked out in RFC0016:…
#ArchLinux #SPDX #licenses #packaging
0016 Spdx License Identifiers | Arch Linux RFCs
Use SPDX license identifiers in PKGBUILDs Date proposed: 2022-11-17 RFC MR: Summary Change to using SPDX license identifiers in the PKGBUILD license value for packages in all repositorie…
Researching ways to improve screen readers is fun, but now, besides helping existing projects, I'll need to create new code and stuff, and I REALLY need to find decent #licenses, but the internet is a mess, and I can't find anything helpful.
I also stumbled upon BusyBox (GPL-2.0-or-later) vs Toybox (0BSD). Toybox is everywhere in Android, BusyBox not so much, but it's in #Debian.
I don't speak legalese, is there something like:… ?
#GPL2orLater vs #0BSD vs #DualLicense?