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Items tagged with: licenses

If you see the AGPL licenses on my free and open source work and you think “damn you, I can’t use this to enrich myself or my corporation without sharing back what I’ve built on top of what you’ve freely shared and thus contribute to cultivating a healthy commons where others might enjoy the same benefits from my work that I want to obtain from yours” (a) you really have long-winded thoughts and (b) well, you already see the flaw in your reasoning.

#foss #licenses #freedom #copyleft #gpl

New checks in #namcap allow us to have an easier time adding #SPDX compliant #license identifiers for #packages! 🎉

The initial integration has been worked out in RFC0016:

#ArchLinux #SPDX #licenses #packaging

Researching ways to improve screen readers is fun, but now, besides helping existing projects, I'll need to create new code and stuff, and I REALLY need to find decent #, but the internet is a mess, and I can't find anything helpful.

I also stumbled upon BusyBox (GPL-2.0-or-later) vs Toybox (0BSD). Toybox is everywhere in Android, BusyBox not so much, but it's in #.

I don't speak legalese, is there something like: ?

# vs # vs #?