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Items tagged with: novel

#Reading the classic #novel Lanark. So far I'm just at the beginning, but this amused me a lot:

Lanark did not wish to be an artist but he felt increasingly the need to do some kind of work, and a writer needed only pen and paper to begin. Also he knew something about writing, for when wandering the city he had visited public libraries and read enough stories to know there were two kinds. One kind was a sort of written cinema, with plenty of action and hardly any thought. The other kind was about clever unhappy people, often authors themselves, who thought a lot but didn’t do very much. Lanark supposed a good author was more likely to write the second kind of book.

I started writing on Substack to talk about the process a manuscript takes in traditional publishing, and how to navigate the process without losing the book's soul.

It's a happy story that starts at the end of many rejections, and I'll post some threads in case the takeaways are faster/easier to get here vs. Substack. The site is The Bird's Eye, and it's completely free and goes to folks' inboxes every other week.

#writing #publishing #WritingCommunity #author #novel

Welcoming the #WritingCommunity to Mastodon!

Perhaps, I should do the second #writerslift here.

So you know how it goes, like, follow for follow, and post your #links to your #books #wip #blogs etc. on this post below

#amreading #amwriting #writers #writersblog #writerchat #writerdons #writerlife #writingtips

I'll go first, I'm working on my first #novel The Ravenport Club, you can follow for updates on its Facebook page and very near to publishing it.