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Items tagged with: DIY

🎧 The Fairbuds noise-canceling earbuds have an easily swappable battery

「 In addition to replacing the batteries, you can repair or exchange the left or right earbud, the silicone ring, earbud tips, the charging case outer shell, and the charging case core. The new buds also come with a standard two-year warranty, but you can add one extra year if you register them online 」

#Fairbuds #Fairphone #DIY #RightToRepair

Me terminé de hacer la mochilita para la bici en una tarde de decisión. No es un trabajo impresionante pero tiene buen aspecto y usa materiales resistentes al agua aunque las costuras no lo son.

En todo caso resuelve mis necesidades de transportación de cosas para este viaje largo.

#diy #costura

Добавила показ текущего дня недели! )

Пережитые трудности: дни недели в календаре начинаются с воскресенья, - использовала простое решение - поменяла нумерацию в идентификаторах дней недели, чтобы не писать лишней логики!)

Что ещё хочу: добавить показ текущей погоды - температуры, осадки, скорость ветра в виде пиктограмм.

#поделки #домашниечасики

Found a camper shell for the truck. 2 hours after it posted we were messaging the dude lol. Went to see it today, isn't a great fit and it looks kinda shit, but the $150 price was right. Spent the afternoon scraping paint off the windows. Hands are toast, heh. Hook up the brake light tomorrow. Gonna pull the windows and paint it white in the near future. I'll keep an eye out for a shell that fits better. I figure we can sell this one for double what it cost us at least. #DIY

Today I connected first #ZigBee device into my #DIY #smartHome. It' Sonoff button for easy start, connected to #Zigbee2mqtt server, which is resending messages over #MQTT to #HomeAssistant. It worked flawlesly.

New #photography book will be available soon

i speak only a tiny bit about mental health, art and my relationship to barcelona

#BelieveInFilm #diy

I finally finished upgrade of my 3D printer:
✅ Magnetic, PEI covered steel bed
✅ Improved dual print head rigidity
✅ Repetier firmware replaced by Marlin
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I finaly upgraded my 3D printer:
1️⃣ switched from # to
# firmware
2️⃣ replaced heat bed thick PEI foil mounted by paper clamps by magnetic PEI covered steel sheet
3️⃣ replaced defective extruder termistors
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