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Items tagged with: smallstories

I should not interfere. The Council reminds us again and again.

Yet he is my friend. I have to act. They will scold me, They will revoke my Angel License, but I will have my friend.
Better a fallen angel, than watching my friend be killed by dragonhaters, after he was crashed by a high rocket plane.
Thus I set off. Ready to fight for my friend.

#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories

"Listen," one guard said, "I know we have only just met-"

"No," the other guard said, "we've worked together for years!"

"-but you can trust me when I say-"

"I can't, you have the curse that's opposite from mine!"

"I don't care for you at all."

"Well, I... oh... I love you too."
#TootFic #SmallStories #Microfiction