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Items tagged with: Communism

Today I learned that #Communism and #Capitalism actually agree on something... that landlording is bad…

People all across the world come together for Red Books Day to celebrate the seminal text and the struggles of working people across the world.

Join millions globally in reading the full Communist Manifesto on the anniversary of its publication.

#communism #socialism #redbooks

Today in Labor History October 8, 1965: The Indonesian military, led by future dictator Suharto, began torturing and massacring thousands of "suspected" Communists, leading ultimately to the overthrow of leftist President Sukarno. Other targets of the murders were members of the Gerwani women’s movement, trade unionists, ethnic Javanese Abangan, ethnic Chinese, atheists, teachers, students, and alleged leftists in general. The U.S. embassy provided the death squads with the names of suspected “communists.” Intelligence agencies from the U.S., U.K., and Australia provided anti-communist propaganda, as well as military and logistical aid. Overall, the genocide (1965-1966) led to 500,000 to 1.2 million civilian deaths and 1.5 million imprisoned. A top-secret CIA report from 1968 called the massacres "one of the worst mass murders of the 20th century, along with the Soviet purges of the 1930s, the Nazi mass murders, and the Maoist bloodbath of the early 1950s." Nevertheless, Western media either downplayed the events, or celebrated them. Suharto remained in power until 1998, continuing to imprison, torture and slaughter workers and civilians. He also presided over the East Timor Genocide of up to 300,000 people in the 1970’s.

#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #genocide #indonesia #Suharto #ColdWar #communism #anticommunism #torture #EastTimor #DeathSquads #cia

"And some of us who come from poor families, who carry around the hidden injuries of class, are very impressed -- are very, very impressed -- by these achievements..."

Damn straight. Don't you fucking tell me that the richest country on the planet can't do what the poorest ones did a fucking CENTURY ago.

Full transcript below.

"Communism, ladies and gentlemen, I say it without flinching: Communism in eastern Europe, Russia, China, Mongolia, North Korea, and Cuba, brought land reform and human services; a dramatic bettering of the living conditions of hundreds of millions of people, on a scale never before, or never since, witnessed in human history. And that's something to appreciate. Communism transformed desperately poor countries into societies in which everyone had adequate food, shelter, medical care, and education. And some of us who come from poor families, who carry around the hidden injuries of class, are very impressed -- are very, very impressed -- by these achievements, and are not willing to dismiss them as 'economistic.' To say that 'socialism doesn't work,' is to overlook the fact that it DID work! And it worked for hundreds of millions of people!"

--Michael Parenti

#MichaelParenti #Parenti #uspol #socialism #communism #marxism

Just finished reading a recent (2023) article on organizing #GigWork #GigWorkers by Rafael Grohmann, Mateus Mendonça, and Jamie Woodcock. It investigated how digital communication platforms play a more central role in organizing delivery platform drivers/riders, (1) due to the preconditions of having a smartphone to engage in the work at all, and (2) due to the affordances/circumstances of both the gig work platforms themselves and the various social media platforms that the workers flock to.

It investigated (1) the lack of direct communication with bosses and its replacement with algorithmic management, (2) the migration of gig workers to social media in search of solidarity (typically into cohorts along territorial and personal lines), and (3) how both (1) and (2) ultimately led to meaningful in-person labour struggle in the form of successful pickets of local vendors and public shaming protests of their working conditions.

Social media organizing took the place of the traditional shop floor and break room chats; group admins took the place of traditional union stewards; public shaming campaigns took the place of traditional strikes.

Ultimately, the "public shaming" approach, organized over social media and branching out into social media and traditional media relations, while ultimately not bringing immediate, material *wins* to the *workers*, *did* nevertheless take *off* 2 billion dollars of the #Deliveroo IPO in #london

Their conclusion notes that social media conglomerates were not built with worker activism in mind, and that any successes built upon their backs are thus contingent. I strongly agree there, and also agree with their suggestion of building alternatives. I think community-owned and co-operated delivery platforms could be such a viable alternative, especially if mandated, preferred, or at least permitted by local statutes.

The methodology of embedding within the struggles, personal interviews, and systemic monitoring of social media I think lends credence to their analysis.

Journal URL:…


#socialism #communism #marxism #capitalism #TradeUnionism #TradeUnions #LaborUnions #LabourUnions #union #unions

Happy Birthday to Walter Rodney, who was born #OTD in Guyana in 1942! After becoming a professor in Jamaica, he was barred from the country for his communist views, a decision which caused riots in his support. He later taught and lectured around the world, especially in Tanzania. His book “How Europe Underdeveloped Africa” made him a towering figure in anti-colonial circles.

You can buy today's artwork here:

#history #Guyana #communism #PanAfricanism #HiaG #Mar23