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Items tagged with: DisabledSocial

This is your random reminder if you are enjoying #mastodon consider donating to your server and/or volunteering to be a moderator.

This space is awesome because of all the kind and generous people who make it work.

And if you are feeling extra kind/generous today you could donate to my server #disabledSocial as a lot of us are struggling to survive and don't have a lot of extra cash to support our server.
[Oops, edit with correct link to our patreon]

This is a graph that shows how many job/tasks the servers process every day at #DisabledSocial . Green line is successful jobs, red is failed jobs.

November 17-18th was the day we saw a massive influx from Twitter. Jobs processed by the server doubled in one day, from 600k to 1.2M. Failed jobs increased from 5-10k per day to 400k that day.

Since expanding the server on the 19th, failed jobs have remained low. Some failures are normal, as some are related to other instances and not our own.