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Items tagged with: Macintosh

Over the years, I have scoured the internet for various versions of the Mac HIG PDFs. Here is my collection so far.

Some neat ones include HIGs for Mac OS 8 & a preliminary Mac OS X version from the Public Beta.

These HIGs contain general desktop guidelines that still apply today & that you can't find in the modern HIG.

Please retoot! Everyone should read these.



#Mac #HIG #Macintosh #UIUX #UserExperience #macOS #MacHIG #MacOSX

Microsoft File v1.04.moof…

#moofaday #macintosh #retrocomputing

I finally got my dosdude1 IDE SSD installed in my #Macintosh Performa 6360... It's night and day difference compared to the stock drive!

If you want to hear an Ikea power standing desk struggle, put one of these things on it.

#Macintosh #PowerPC #Retro