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Items tagged with: SpeechHistory

In March 2023, I submitted #SpeechHistory to the #NVDA Add-On Store, which at the time was very new. I ran into errors with the process NVAccess had in place, some of which were caused by problems with my submission. Unfortunately, my PR was closed before I had time to address them, and I didn't have the mental energy at the time to try again.

I gave it another go this week, now that the Store and related procedures have undergone a lot of testing and growth. This time, I needed to be approved as a new add-on submitter, which is a totally reasonable requirement. Unfortunately the process seemed to become stalled on the NVAccess side with no information as to why, including after a follow-up from me. (Edit: it seems that I was approved as a submitter on April 2nd, but without any indication from NVAccess that this had taken place, and without the original add-on submission actually being accepted.)

Thankfully, somebody from the community approached me privately tonight, and offered to submit the add-on using their existing trusted contributor status. The end result is that Speech History is now in the Store, and I guess I'll come back in 2025 and hope for third time lucky.

If you missed it yesterday, #SpeechHistory for #NVDA has been updated for 2024.1 compatibility, and includes a new speech recording feature. Use NVDA+Shift+F11 to start recording, and NVDA+Shift+F12 to stop, at which point the recorded speech will be copied to the clipboard.

Note that the add-on should also be listed in the Store soon.


#SpeechHistory for #NVDA has been updated for 2024.1 compatibility, and even includes a new feature!

You can now capture multiple speech history items in realtime, which is useful for e.g. bug reports without copying from the Speech Viewer. Press NVDA+Shift+F11 to start recording, use NVDA as normal, and then press NVDA+Shift+F12 to stop recording. All recorded speech will be copied to the clipboard, with items separated by a line break (`\n`).
