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Items tagged with: Eid

Ok another viral Raya song - am being such a typical Malaysian in always being puzzled if we're a regional/international source of anything - so kinda like how our CNY songs always get attention from other sinophones during Lunar New Year, over the years our Raya songs are popular elsewhere too. Though I think this used to be mainly in the nusantara but i'm seeing it's bursting out into the wider Muslim world.

yyyanyway, after watching the how manyth Indonesian reel, here's the other Raya song from this year:

The last one I shared:

#tootSEA #Malaysia #Raya #Eid #PlaylistSEA

Mum: "see this is why I wanted to come to the market at 5" (o'clock IN THE MORNING)

anyway-- this is what city people do in lieu of actually cooking our own rendang and lemang etc.

#tootSEA #Malaysia #Eid #Ramadan #photography

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