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Items tagged with: FIDO


Thursday: Hackers are using OTP bots to get around #SMS and #TOTP authenticator codes. Make the switch to #FIDO U2F for maximum login securityā€¦ šŸ”

I updated my crowd-sourced list of #openpgp, #fido, #u2f and #piv, #pki security tokens:

Feel free to have a look if you are in the market for a new security token :-) Contributions and feedback are highly welcome :)

Handing control of our biometric identities to a handful of trillion-dollar American gatekeeper corporations isnā€™t the good news you might think it is.

(Donā€™t forget, the W3C is the standards body of surveillance capitalism.)

In a non-corporate world, your ā€œpasswordā€ could be so much moreā€¦ It could be, for example, a mnemonic for the key to a facet of your self that you (and you alone) own and control.

#w3c #fido #passwords #identity #access #surveillance #capitalism
