Items tagged with: FeatherWiki
After consolidating all of the dependencies that #FeatherWiki uses into the project itself and stripping all the features it doesn't use, I managed to shave off 4 more kilobytes 🤯 Now I can use that extra space for some quality of life features like CSS variables for easier theming & extra settings toggles!
What other small-but-helpful addition would you like to see added to the Feather Wiki core? (no, I still won't add search to the core)
The #translation contribution guide is now available! If you want to translate #FeatherWiki into your own language to help others use it more easily, follow the instructions in…
There are 2 methods included: one for those comfortable making pull requests and another for those who are not. And if you're not up for making a full translation, I'd appreciate help ensuring new translations are accurate as they are created.
Thanks in advance!
FeatherWiki/ at main
FeatherWiki - A tiny, self-contained JavaScript wiki that runs in the browser (Also mirrored on GitHub: