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Items tagged with: engine

Can someone please recommend me a #search #engine that is not
* #Google (Ew google)
* #Duckduckgo (Keeps saying there were no results for my searches despite having the little information box to the right for the exact search)
* #Bing (I'd use bing if it wasn't crammed to death with CoPiLoT)
* #Brave (Ew, brave)
* #Ecosia (Its alright, but its just... slow. And gives kinda crap results)
* #Startpage (I just don't like it)
* #SearxNG (Slow, ugly, and useless)

I will probably update this list as I remember/am reminded about search engines that I've already tried and don't like.


#Moonray the #Dreamworks in house #render is now available for free and is #opensource too, after while of code cleaning, this is an other render #engine. I lost the count of #renderengine.
Now only the add-on for Blender :)