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Items tagged with: graphql

@anna with friends organized a private Christmas concert.
I made for them a #SongBook web called #Cacofonix.

It shows the introduction of performers, a list of songs, song descriptions, song lyrics and also tells you what song is now performed.

It's written in #TypeScript, frontend is #NextJs, backend is #PayloadCMS, data is stored in #MongoDB. It communicates using #GraphQL.

If somebody finds it useful, the code is here

I just deployed a new #FediSearch version:
✅ #GraphQL search endpoints were extracted into separated app
✅ Opt out page was polished
✅ Frontend was migrated to #NextJS 13 and AppDir api
✅ Improved frontend UI by introdcing load placeholders and by fixing of several glitches
✅ Frontend was migrated to esm modules
✅ Properly fixed robot.txt handling in crawler
✅ Improved and unified codestyle

:fedisearch: 🎉

Under the hood:
✅ I replaced #PostgreSQL database storage by more suitable #ElasticSearch. It searches data faster and I have better control over results order
✅ I replaced #REST api by #GraphQL api for frontend - backend communication. This simplyfies a lot both the #React frontend and the #NextJs server implementations.