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Items tagged with: navigatingText

For those using Braille Screen Input on the iPhone, did you know that there are navigation gestures now? You can move around the text by character, word, or line. Here is how it is done.
1, In Braille Screen Input, hold one finger down on any dot. You must keep that finger down during the whole process.
2, It will make a couple of beeps, then say, Exploring mode. This is the mode it has to be in, in order to move the cursor around. If you left your finger off the dot, it will leave exploring mode, so again, keep it held down.
3, Here is the 3 gestures needed. They all use 2 fingers.
2 finger flick up and down moves between navigation types; character, word, or line.
2 finger swipe to the left, moves cursor forward or right by character, word, or line.
2 finger swipe to the right, moves cursor backwards or left by character, word, or line.
This is been demonstrated on several podcast, here is a link to one of those demonstrations. #iPhone #BrailleScreenInput #navigatingText #PodcastLink