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Items tagged with: responsibledisclosure

All I'm asking is for #ResponsibleDisclosure. The tone you sense was my panic as I scrambled to figure out the proof-of-concept to ensure that #FDroid users are kept safe. Signature verification is a key part of that. I cleared my schedule this morning to deal with this.

Thanks to @obfusk to doing the hard work of the proof-of-concept and the patch. I posted my preliminary analysis of the issue on


you just published this wide open, yet before, you wouldn't even send us the POC code that you had? I think you two need to learn what #ResponsibleDisclosure means.

I looked around but could not find any message from you about this anywhere. If you think this is an important security bug, then please submit what you have ASAP so we can handle it. #ResponsibleDisclosure

Das ist so absurd. Man weiß wirklich nicht, ob man lachen oder weinen soll. phpMyAdmin ist offenbar ein »gefährliches Hackertool« im Sinne des Hackerparagrafen 202a StGB. Wenn der Gesetzgeber das JETZT nicht ändert, dann war es das mit der Responsible Disclosure. Wenn man jetzt noch dafür belangt wird, überlegt man sich zweimal, ob man die Daten nicht gleich gewinnbringend verkauft... 🤦‍♂️

#hacker #hacking #responsibledisclosure #gesetz #hackerparagraf #hackerparaph