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Items tagged with: rome

I found my new favorite coffee shop in Budapest 🥰 Pompeii Latte Art Cafe. They have a bookshelf entirely filled with books on Greek and Roman mythology! And archeology. And the coffee is amazing too. And you get quotes from Classical authors with your drink, on little scrolls. How cool is that?

#mythology #archeology #coffee #Budapest #cafes #Rome #Greek #image

This seems like a good time to plug my new novel. The Poisoned Chalice is Book 4 in the Sempronius Scipio series. This one covers the bloody events of the Year of Six Emperors, so Scipio has his work cut out, especially as he has to contend with devious Senators, murderous assassins & angry soldiers led by a vengeful Emperor.
The book is available from Amazon in paperback & Kindle formats.
#HistoricalFiction #Rome #Writing #Books