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Items tagged with: woman

A court in Germany on Tuesday convicted a 97-year-old woman of being an accessory to murder in over 10,000 cases for her role as a secretary to the commandant of the German Nazi concentration camp Stutthof during World War II.

Irmgard Furchner was accused of being part of the apparatus that helped the camp function. The Itzehoe state court in northern Germany gave her a two-year suspended sentence.


#Stutthof #history #Nazis #Germany #SS #justice #woman #trial

I am:
🔵a #book lover
🔵mildly #burnedout but trying to take it easy 😊
🔵a #cat lover (sharing my place with 1 fluffy terrorist)
🔵#choleric (actively working on my tantrums though) 😂
🔵a good #communicator
🔵an #effectivealtruist (I translated Toby Ord's The Precipice into Czech)
🔵a #feminist
🔵a #linguistics nerd
🔵a #liberal
🔵a language #teacher
🔵a literary #translator
🔵very much in love with @stepan
🔵 a #woman